Universitas Diponegoro was stipulated as a State University on October 15, 1960, by the issuance of the Government Regulation No. 7 of 1961. It had four faculties namely the Faculty of Law and Social Science (FHPM), Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Before becoming an independent Faculty in Undip, the Faculty of Social and Politics had been progressing for 12 (twelve) years. It was started by the formation of the “Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Social and Politics, Universitas Diponegoro,” which was based on the Decree of President of Universitas Diponegoro No. 28/c on January 6, 1962. This committee had two members, Drs. Hartoyo and M. Marsono, and it was led by Drs. Sukardjan Hadisutikno with Drs. Fajar as the secretary.
As time went by, it came the need to accelerate the establishment of the Faculty of Social and Politics. So, the committee added three new figures to its membership. They were Drs. Soetomodrajat, Drs. Kuncoro Hadi, and Satjipto Rahardjo, SH. The appointment was based on the Decree of Rector of Universitas Diponegoro No. 41/Skpt/SKJ/1968 on August 18, 1968
Hereafter, the MKDU was changed into UPT-MKU in 1995 and eventually, it was separated from FISIP under the guidance of Vice-Rector I. Meanwhile, the Postgraduate program had been integrated into FISIP since the issuance of the Decree of Rector of Undip No. 609 of 2011. Thus, there were five Postgraduate study programs by 2014. They were Master of Administration Science Study Program (by 2029, it changed its name into Master of Public Administration according to the Decree of Rector Number: 420/UN7.P/HK/2019), Master of Political Science Study Program, Master of Communication Science Study Program, Doctor of Public Administration Study Program, and Doctor of Social Science Study Program
Along with the development of Universitas Diponegoro in becoming a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), all Associate degree programs (D3) that had been part of FISIP have been becoming part of the Vocational School (SV) since 2017
The faculty of Social and Political Sciences is invested in helping you pursue your passion. We are committed to being an Excellent Research Faculty in Social and Political Sciences by 2025
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, has pinned the following missions to realise our noble vision
- We organize higher education that produces excellent and competitive graduates
- We conduct researches that produce publications, intellectual property rights, books, policies, and technologies that are effective and efficient by prioritizing local culture and resources
- We organize community service programs that produce publications, intellectual property rights, books, policies, and technology that are effective and efficient by prioritizing local culture and resources
- We organize higher education management that is efficient, accountable, transparent and fair