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UNDIP’s Board of Professors Held National Webinar “Moral Integrity and Non-Academic Ethical Values to Realize Quality and Sustainable Education”

“Speaking of ethical issues or ethos in Greek, meaning the willingness to do something good and avoid bad things. There are three elements of ethics, namely values, norms and situations. Regarding integrity, it does not exist because of fear, but it is embedded in one’s soul. It based on sincerity and thought that this is the right thing without being monitored or asked to. Undip community members will become people with integrity,” said the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M. Hum. at the National Webinar held by Undip’s Board of Professors with the theme “Moral Integrity and Non-Academic Ethical Values to Realize Quality and Sustainable Education” (1/10).
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA as Chair of Undip’d Board of Professors said that this national webinar was the fourth webinar organized by Commission C of Undip’s Board of Professors related to the handling and main tasks carried out by Commission C regarding the moral integrity and non-academic ethical values to realize quality and sustainable education. It is hoped that this webinar will produce ideas that are useful for the academic community at Undip.
The purpose of this webinar is to provide ideas, views and formulations in order to prepare the initial concept of guidance of moral integrity and non-academic ethical values to realize quality and sustainable education.
Moral integrity is a moral unity that is built by two main components, namely philosophical and psychological components. Moral integrity occurs when a person feels the unity and balance between feelings and what he believes; displays behavior that is consistent with his beliefs in every situation; knows many limits or rules and can consider the consequences and their behavior; does not ashame to share experiences and knowledge about morals with people; tries to give advice and reminds others to be moral; and shows a moral attitude to be followed by the people around him.
The values of moral integrity and non-academic ethics need to be formulated together to realize quality and sustainable education. The formulation is also inseparable from the efforts of Diponegoro University to play an active role in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in improving the quality of education (Goal 4). Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires synergy and collaborative action between many sectors, including the government, academics, all elements of the academic community and society. The role of academics in higher education is seen as one of the key actors in formulating and realizing the values of moral integrity and non-academic ethics in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
Presented as speakers include Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Professor of Faculty of Psychology); Prof. Dr. Pujiyono, S.H., M. Hum. (Professor of Faculty of Law); Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur, DEA (Professor of Faculty of Science and Mathematics); Prof. Dr. Drs. Iriyanto Widisuseno, M. Hum. (Professor of Faculty of Humanities); Prof. Dr. Cecep Darmawan, S.Pd., S.IP, S.H., M.H., M.Sc. (Professor of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, The Education University). The webinar was moderated by Prof. Dr. Dra. Ari Pradhanawati, M.S. (Secretary of Commission C of Undip’s Board of Professors) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Nany Yuliastuti, MSP (Professor of Faculty of Engineering). (Linda – Public Relations)
Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)
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