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UNDIP Graduated 161 Bidikmisi Program Students

A total of 161 graduates from the Bidikmisi program were also inaugurated at the Diponegoro University’s 166th Graduation Ceremony which was held offline at the Prof. Soedarto Building Undip Tembalang campus on May 17-20, 2022.

This graduation was attended by 1,504 graduates, including 25 people of Doctoral program, 197 people of Masters program, 50 people of Specialists, 56 people of Professionals, 1,097 people of Bachelors,17 people of Applied Bachelors and 62 people of Diploma. At this graduation, there were 702 people or 46.68% of whom achieved the cum laude predicates.

Reporting from the page, the Bidikmisi scholarship program is an educational fee assistance from the government through the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for prospective students or high school graduates (SMA)/equivalent who have limitations of economics but has good academic potential to pursue study at higher education, to enroll in superior study programs until graduating on time.

Diponegoro University is one of the leading state universities in Indonesia that has committed and participated in supporting government programs in the implementation of the Bidikmisi scholarship. Since the Bidikmisi scholarship has provided equal opportunities for all Indonesian people to continue their education.

In his remarks at the 166th Undip Graduation Ceremony on Friday (20/5), Undip Rector stated “A great and prosperous nation is a nation whose people work with the best quality and always improve quality in all matters. Therefore, after you leave the door of this building, live up the spirit to improve the quality of your service in any field, make it every day with the spirit of Fastabiqul khairat, competing in goodness to achieve better quality.”

“To improve the quality of graduates, Undip provides an opportunity for fresh graduates, including graduates with the Bidikmisi program, to continue their further studies at Undip with the tuition fee similar with what they paid when they studied for undergraduate or diploma program, as well as for postgraduate students who want to continue to doctoral program. However this policy does not apply to PPDS,” he added.

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