Universitas Diponegoro

Training of Patent Companion Trainer and Patent Drafting Camp at Diponegoro University

In an effort to improve the knowledge competence of lecturers in assisting and verifying patent applications at Diponegoro University and in order to increase the number of registered patents, the Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation together with the Bureau of Innovation and Cooperation of Diponegoro University held the “Training of Patent Companion Trainer and Patent Drafting Camp” on Thursday-Friday, July 28-29, 2022 at the Grand Wahid Hotel, Salatiga, which was attended by 68 participants from lecturers/researchers and inventors from all faculties within Diponegoro University.

This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. representing the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M. Hum. In his remarks, he said that lecturers / researchers / inventors at Undip can be accompanied and escorted by the Innovation team (Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation and Innovation Section) so that they can increase Intellectual Property Rights at Diponegoro University. It is also hoped that the existing patents will have economic value in the future.

In the activity report conveyed by Drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Ph.D., although socialization on patents has been carried out at the university and faculty levels in collaboration with DJKI, direct mentoring/guidance activities for researchers to perfect the preparation of patent registration file specifications are very necessary. By compiling a patent draft in accordance with the provisions, it is hoped that the substantive examination can run smoothly and there are no revisions. With the high interest in patent registration, a “Training of Patent Companion Trainer” is held for Inventors who already have a Patent Granted who are expected to assist other lecturers in drafting patents in accordance with the fields of science in each respective faculty.

Drs. Said Nafik, M.Si as one of the speakers, conveyed about the Basics of Patents, Legal Basis, Inventions that may and may not be patented, Protection Period and Techniques for writing Patent Drafting. In this “Training of Patent Companion Trainer” as many as 21 lecturers were guided directly by 6 resource persons from DJKI, namely Drs. Said Hafik, M.Si., Ir. Hotman Togatorop, Virda Septa Fitri, S.T., M.L.S., M.H., Dra. Johani Siregar, Apt., Faisal Syamsuddin, S.T., M.T., Ir. Ikhsan M.Si. In the “Training of Patent Companion Trainer and Patent Drafting Camp” event which was attended by 21 participants and 47 participants in the Patent Drafting Camp, 49 patent drafts were ready to be registered.

With this event, it is hoped that the registered patents will increase in terms of quantity and quality because at Diponegoro University it is supported by a good research ecosystem and funding from APBN and Non-APBN funds. The entire committee hoped that the material presented by the resource persons could be useful for all participants of the Patent Companion Trainer and Patent Drafting Camp. (Admin-RM)

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