Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Held Workshop on Sustainable Green Campus Development

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a new paradigm for the development direction of countries in the world. Environmental development is one of the pillars in the 17 SDGs targets. Natural resources and a sustainable environment as a support for all life can be achieved with contributions from all aspects.

In an effort to develop an action plan for implementing a green and sustainable campus at Diponegoro University (Undip), the Undip Ranking Office has held a Workshop with the theme “Designing Faculty and University Action Plans related to Sustainable Development Goals and Green Campus Development as Support for Increasing Academic Reputation Indicators in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Times Higher Education (THE) 2022-2024” on Monday, August 08, 2022 at 08.30 WIB at the Rama Shinta Ballroom, Patra Semarang Hotel & Convention.

This workshop was attended by the Undip Rector, Chair of the Academic Senate, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Vice Rectors, Deans and Deputy Deans of Faculties and Schools, Head of the Planning and Development Agency (BPP) of Undip, Head and Deputy Head of the Undip Ranking Office, and also Chairperson of UI Greenmetric World University Rankings, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc.

The Undip Rector, represented by the Vice Rector IV for Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc,. opened the event and in his speech conveyed the urgency of achieving a green and sustainable Undip campus. According to Prof. Ambar, the issue of SDGs has become an important issue and currently the issue of the environment has become a concern for campuses in Indonesia and the world.

“The problem is not simple, complex, and multidimensional. However, we all understand that the achievement of the 17 Goals of SDGs and the development of a green campus as an implementation of sustainable environmental development has become a current issue. We can see that currently there are many campuses that have paid attention to their environment.” said Prof. Amber.

Currently, universities in Indonesia and the world are competing to develop sustainable green campuses. In addition, Prof. Ambar revealed that prospective students see universities not only from their rankings, but also consider the comfort and safety of the universities.

“Prospective students see the campus not only from its ranking, but also a campus that is comfortable, safe, and makes them feel at home on campus. So in terms of managing a beautiful environment, it becomes one of the considerations. Therefore, a campus that does not pay attention to environmental management will be left behind.” explained Prof. Amber.

Prof. Ambar added that Undip has become one of the universities that is very serious about managing its environment. “We report that at Undip we are very serious about managing our environment so that it can become a campus that is not just a green campus label, but a campus that is really beautiful, comfortable, and safe, so that it can make you feel at home on campus.” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Ambar hoped that by holding this Workshop, each Faculty/School can synergize and coordinate with each other to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. “We hold a Workshop to coordinate with Faculties and Schools’ policies and programs, especially related to what programs and activities will be carried out in the future related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.” he concluded.

The event continued with the presentation of material by two speakers, namely Chairperson UI Greenmetric World University Rankings, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., who explained the strategy for achieving green campuses and rankings at the UI Greenmetric World University Rankings. Secretary of the Undip Board of Trustees, Dr. Ir. Agus Indarjo, M.Phil. conveyed Undip’s strategy in supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and ranking THE Impact Rankings.

The Workshop was continued with presentations and discussions on action plans from 11 Faculties and 2 Schools within Undip to improve the UI Greenmetric World University Rankings and 2022 THE Impact Rankings by each Dean of Faculty or School.

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