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Take a Peek at Various Innovations for Indonesian Capture Fisheries through UNDIP Student Visits to the Semarang City Fishing Center

On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, approximately 60 students from the Department of Capture Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, paid a visit to the Semarang City Fishing Center (BBPI), located at Yos Sudarso Street, West Kalibaru, Tanjung Emas, Bandarharjo, North Semarang. This visit was held in the context of implementing a combination of the Marine Acoustic Practicum Course with the Practicum Course for Fishing Machines and Auxiliary Equipment. This visit also aims to find out various innovations developed by BBPI in advancing the capture fisheries sector in Indonesia. The topics presented during this visit included marine acoustic devices, fishing machines and aids, as well as miniatures of various types of fishing gear.

The first innovation came from acoustic devices. At BBPI, there are two types of acoustic instruments, namely echo sounder and SONAR. Echosounder is a device used for physical and biological underwater measurements, while SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging) is a component that is based on the properties of sound propagation in water which is mostly used in the ocean. Both of these tools have almost the same working principle, where there is a transducer that converts electrical energy into sound wave signals and sends it to the bottom of the waters where later if it is hit by a certain object, the sound waves will be reflected back to the surface towards the transducer, then the transducer will process the information. of these waves for further identification.

The next innovation came from fishing machines and tools. The engine itself consists of the main engine, generator, gear box, battery, and OWS (Oil Water Separator). While for auxiliary equipment there is a winch for trawlers and a power block for purse seine ships.

The third innovation is miniatures and demonstrations of various fishing gear found in Indonesia. These miniatures and demonstrations aim to introduce various types of fishing gear which can be effective and efficient in fishing operations while still paying attention to sustainability factors.

Editor by : Group 4 (Yakiyatul Sa’diyah, Stefanus Ardika Risandhi, Marsellinus Juanda Turnip, Inna Dewi Ratnaningrum, Dian Nofita Anggraeni, Wahyudi A Hi Abubakar)

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