Azhar Zain Rabbani, Dimas Rizki Illahi, Dzul Fitri Dicky Setiawan, Khalda Nur Farah, Khoeru Roziqin, Lathifa Inayah Sari, Nurul Kholifah, and Tri Wijiatun are the students included in the Community Service Program (KKN) at Diponegoro University who were deployed in Batang Regency, Bandar District, Tambahrejo Village.
The work program that they carry out are two flagship programs, the first is the MSMEs potential empowerment program where the selection of the program is motivated by the many cassava farmers in Tambahrejo Village who directly sell raw cassava to the market and the absence of MSMEs that process cassava into processed products. The second is stunting cases because the incidence of stunting is still relatively high in Tambahrejo Village.
“The people in the Tambahrejo Village are happy with the KKN Undip team because they are participating in helping the residents with KKN student activities including teaching children to read and draw. There is also a village library in this village, so we invite our children to revive the library with reading activities. In addition, we also introduce foreign languages to grade 5 students at SDN Tambahrejo 01. Education is one of the main provisions for the future because if we have a good education it will make us more open-minded and insightful, more mature and intelligent. Education is our means to share knowledge with others. This KKN program is important because student participation plays a role in helping the community by applying scientific discipline and socializing with others,” she concluded. (Lin – Public Relations)