Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Community Service Students Conducted Education and Training in the Making of Story Maps Using ArcGIS Online as a Media for Creating Website

Irva Scantika, student of the Community Service Team I of Diponegoro University (Undip) 2023 who was deployed to the Cikadu Village, Watukumpul District, Pemalang Regency made a new breakthrough by holding educational and training activities for making Story Maps using the ArcGIS Online method which later can be used as a medium for making village websites by village officials in Cikadu Village. Story Maps is an online-based application that can display a map and can provide information related to the village. This online media is provided by ESRI using the ArcGIS Online platform. One of the advantages of Story Maps is that we can add maps to stories and these maps are interactive maps that authors can create using ArcGIS Online.

This innovation originated from the difficulty of finding website information that explained Cikadu Village and everything in it. Even though in today’s digital era, the majority of information and activities can be easily accessed via the internet or websites. Thus the village should have a website to introduce the potentials that exist in the village.

“Training for making Story Maps using ArcGIS Online starts from how to create an account and website, how to make Story Maps such as setting up text, images, maps, and all the features in it. In addition, we provide training on how to publish information to everyone through the available story maps links,” she explained.

Prior to this activity, posters with the permission of MI Al Fatah were prepared with the teachers and village officials and distributed to teachers and village officials. The sample posters are how to make Cikadu Village Story Maps, the post contains Village Potential, Tourism Potential, MSMEs Potential and all matters related to Cikadu Village. So when the Story Maps link is clicked or typed into the browser, the results of his work are immediately visible. The following is an example of the Cikadu Village Story Maps link: https://arcg.is/5541K

Educational and training activities related to making Story Maps were received openly and positively by Cikadu Village teachers and village officials. They are enthusiastic about this training.

“This activity is useful for us village operators to be more diligent in creating a website about Cikadu Village and its contents so that outsiders can get to know our village better,” said Ais, one of the Cikadu Village Managers.

In addition, one of the teachers at MI Al Fatah Cikadu, Musofa also said that the Story Maps training really supports teachers in promoting and introducing schools through the school’s website. This program can help motivate the people of Cikadu Village to write stories in the form of websites related to village tourism potential, MSMEs and other opportunities.

The field supervisors are Septrial Arafat, S.P., M.P., Dr. Ir. Martini, M.Kes., Anim Kafabih., S.E., M.E., and Nurakhmi Qadaryati, S.T., M.Eng. (Irva/Arbi/Rafi – Public Relations)

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