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RSND UNDIP Launched Ear and Eye Center

Semarang – Central Java (10/2). Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) of Diponegoro University always strives to improve services for the community by developing health resources and facilities by providing human resources, complete and high-tech facilities and infrastructure. RSND’s main partner is the Faculty of Medicine Undip, which produces excellent and competent medical graduates.

In the framework of its 7th Anniversary, RSND held various series of events, including the Launching of the Ear and Eye Center (EEC) which also made it an educational facility for health facilities in the surrounding environment. More importantly, the aim is to help provide the best health services for the community, especially dealing with health problems in the field of eye and ear diseases.

This event was officially opened by the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum., Friday (10/2) at RSND Undip.

“Alhamdulillah, we are still given the opportunity to live, which means we are still given the opportunity to do good. To live is to contribute to goodness, one of which is Undip’s role in providing things that are beneficial to the community by establishing Ear and Eye Center facilities. The Ear and Eye Center facility is an advanced innovation and very useful for Undip and the community as well as improving the quality of education at Undip. Congratulations to the RSND Undip and all the Hospitality Community, may God always bestow blessings on all of us,” said the Rector.

In his remarks, the Main Director of RSND, Dr. dr. Sutopo Patria Jati, M.M., M.Kes. said the Ear and Eye Center was RSND facility that received a lot of support from various parties and universities. The Ear and Eye Center will become a kind of superior health service center and for this RSND will continue to develop many innovations.

“In the future it is hoped that there will be many innovations that will be born from the RSND as well as other complete facilities because Undip prioritizes quality and commitment to provide the best service,” concluded dr. Sutopo. (Lin – Public Relations)

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