Universitas Diponegoro

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Information Literacy Collaboration of the IAIN Kudus Library with UPT Library UNDIP and UNDIP Press

Semarang (22/5) – The State Islamic Institute Library of Kudus Regency visited the UPT Library Undip and Undip Press in the framework of a focus group discussion on information literacy collaboration. This activity was attended by the Head of the IAIN Library along with his library staff and the activity was carried out for one full day.

Head of the IAIN Library H. Nur Said, S.Ag., M.Ag. said that the purpose of the FGD of information literacy was to study management between the UPT Undip Library and Undip Press. Furthermore, the topics discussed were related to IT and the  UPT Library Undip repository.

UPT Library Undip and Undip Press welcomed the visit by involving several coordinators, namely: IT and automation coordinators, services, processing, Pusdokinfo, and Undip repository. With the presence of coordinators for each sector, discussions can be carried out in more detail.

The series of the FGD of information literacy events ended with a library tour activity. Participants can directly observe the process of service activities. Starting from the 4th floor of office space, heading to the 3rd floor of the 600-900 collection room, the 2nd floor of the 000-500 collection room, and the 1st floor of the information center. (An)

Related source: digilib.undip.ac.id

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