Universitas Diponegoro

Improving Disaster Mitigation, UPT K3L UNDIP Held a Fire Disaster Emergency Response Simulation

To increase understanding of security and safety within Diponegoro University (Undip), the Integrated Unit of the Occupational Health Safety and Environment (UPT K3L), in collaboration with the Semarang City Fire Department, carried out a Fire Disaster Emergency Response Simulation activity at the Widya Puraya Building on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 09.00 WIB. All the Widya Puraya Building employees and the Undip emergency response team attended this simulation activity, including security, Undip employees with class D firefighter certificates, K3 experts, and first aid officers.

The Head of UPT K3L Undip Bina Kurniawan, S.KM., M.Kes., revealed that simulation activities for handling fire emergencies have become routine activities within Undip to provide understanding and readiness for emergencies. “So disaster mitigation is vital. We provide understanding so that all employees can evacuate when facing an emergency. Preparedness is essential,” he said.

The simulation activity for handling fire emergency conditions at the Widya Puraya Building Undip is the second simulation activity. Previously, UPT K3L, the Semarang City Fire Department, and Semarang City Red Cross had held a similar action at the ICT Center Building Undip. “In the future, we plan to hold the same activities in the SA-MWA Building, the Integrated Laboratory Building, and the faculties,” said Bina.

“It is hoped that Undip and the faculties will also organize similar activities so that later employees in Undip can evacuate themselves when facing an emergency,” he explained.

The simulation activity for handling a fire emergency in the Widya Puraya Building began with a report by one of the employees who saw a fire that was already burning in the pantry on the 2nd floor on the right wing of the Widya Puraya Building (near the Finance room), then asked other employees to take the APAR (Fire Extinguisher Lighter) closest to put out the fire. One of the employees then contacted security to coordinate with the emergency response team and called an ambulance and the fire department.

The event was followed by evacuating all employees in the Widya Puraya Building, assisted by security on each floor to the gathering point/muster point in front of the building. Then the firefighters tried to extinguish the fire with the wind and remove flammable items.

Meanwhile, the first aid team handles injured or unconscious victims to provide first aid at the gathering point/muster point. Security, assisted by the captain floor, collects data and ensures that all employees are at the gathering point/muster point. The Building Safety Coordinator, who coordinated the emergency response team, ended the event by announcing a safe situation.

“We hope the actual incident will not occur, but to comply with safety procedures, we will continue to teach them, and all Undip employees must understand them. With this simulation activity, it is hoped that Undip will be more comfortable and safe. We no longer have to worry about disasters because we have protected everyone and understand how to evacuate ourselves. This will provide calm and comfort so that employee performance is more productive, and they will all be alert,” concluded Bina.

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