Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Introduced Data Management and Analysis for Researchers

Tuesday, October 24, 2023. The Library and Undip Press held Webinar #11 with the theme “Introduction to Data Management and Analysis for General Researchers.” This webinar was held to form an understanding with the academic community regarding data processing and analysis techniques for the purposes of writing scientific research. The total number of participants who took part in this webinar was approximately 500 participants.

This event presented Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan, S.T., M.T., as a resource person who discussed various aspects of data management and analysis techniques in scientific research. He is a Lecturer in Applied Geology – Earth Science, and Technology at the Bandung Institute of Technology and has various experiences conducting reviews in journals and scientific writing.

“More than 70% of researchers have tried and ultimately failed to reproduce research conducted by other researchers, and half have failed to reproduce their research,” said Dr. Erwin.

Dr. Erwin has concerns about scientific writing because many researchers are unable to reproduce other research because their research methodology does not have its unique method, method records are lost, or even their research methods are not recorded.

This webinar was conducive and very interactive, seeing that the participants were very enthusiastic in discussing with the presenters in the question and answer session. At the end of the webinar, Dr. Erwin hopes that the academic community in Indonesia can turn research into a playground so that conducting research becomes more fun. Lecturers can also be good partners in helping students carry out research. In the process of forming this perspective, a habit is needed to see that what has been learned can provide benefits to other people someday.

“Knowledge becomes more “sticky” and useful if it is shared with other people and not kept to yourself through writing or written work,” concluded Erwin. (Sudanta/As – Public Relations)

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