Universitas Diponegoro

Steven, an Undip Student, Won 1st Place in the International Youth SDGs Competition in Malaysia

Yeremia Steven Putra Wima, a Management student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (Undip), succeeded in winning 1st Place in Best Presentation and Best Leader of the Division in the International Youth SDGs Competition, which was held on January 14-19, 2024, by the International Youth Centre Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Indonesian Youth Excursion Network.

This international competition focuses on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) innovation as a form of contribution and support for sustainable development goals. Steven, as team leader, together with other team members, brought digital innovation to SDGs number 4 Quality Education, namely EduVate, which is an educational platform that provides equitable education for everyone, from children and adults to people with disabilities.

The conditions for being able to participate in this activity are that Steven follows a series of selections in the form of administrative selection, interviews and focus group discussions. From 500+ applicants, 65 of the best delegates from Indonesia were selected to go to Malaysia, and Steven managed to occupy the position of Top 10 Delegates representing Diponegoro University. Apart from competing, Steven also made a university visit to Universiti Malaya (UM) and International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and participated in a cultural exchange in the form of traditional dance performances from various tribes and races in Malaysia.

Yeremia Steven Putra Wima is a person who is active in lectures and organizations. Steven participates in international organizations, namely AIESEC in Semarang and TEDxUndip. Apart from that, he is also actively participating in the Merdeka Campus MSIB (Certified Independent Study and Internship) Program held by the Ministry of Education and Culture to implement the knowledge gained during lectures in actual practice in the world of work.

“My hope after participating in this activity is that it will be a motivation for other students to maximize their potential and opportunities by challenging themselves to get out of their comfort zone to participate in competitions and competitions. As students, we have the privilege of studying at Undip, one of the best state universities in Indonesia. Undip fully supports its students in taking part in the competition,” said Steven. (YS, ed. As/Public Relations)

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