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UNDIP Has a Cool Conference Hall and a Sophisticated Data Center

On Thursday, April 26, 2024, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum., the Rector of Diponegoro University, officially inaugurated two new campus icons at Diponegoro University: the UNDIP Conference Hall on the 5th floor and the Diponegoro University Data Center on the 2nd floor of the ICT Center building, located on the Tembalang campus.

In his address, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum., the Rector of Diponegoro University, stated that UNDIP has made significant progress and gained recognition both nationally and internationally. Being an internationally renowned campus, UNDIP continuously improves its facilities and supporting infrastructure to enhance its global-class services. Among these efforts is the construction of the UNDIP Conference Hall on the 5th floor and the Data Center on the 2nd floor of the ICT building at the UNDIP Tembalang campus.

The UNDIP Conference Hall is designed as a meeting space to accommodate guests from outside, such as high school students visiting UNDIP. It is considering the increasing interest of students in applying to UNDIP, making UNDIP the second-highest university with the most applicants in Indonesia, according to the SNBP 2024. The room, which can accommodate 217 people, is equipped with standards of comfort, including air conditioning, sound systems, and lighting. It comprises 2 meeting rooms and 1 transit room. With its quality and comfort, the UNDIP Conference Hall is expected to become the standard meeting room at UNDIP alongside other facilities.

Meanwhile, the Diponegoro University Data Center, located on the 2nd floor of the ICT Center building at the UNDIP Tembalang campus, serves as a facility for connectivity services and server rooms with advanced devices supporting information technology in enhancing UNDIP’s services. The advantages and sophistication of the Diponegoro University Data Center include a raised floor with insulation to maintain humidity and cleanliness, a Fire suppression system using non-hazardous gas, CCTV installed without blind spots and fingerprint access integrated into each room, MPO cables installed based on planned capacity for direct server additions, and an Environment Monitoring system monitoring temperature, humidity, visuals, power, and other factors. The data center’s condition is monitored by a system that alerts staff if any system is not functioning correctly, enabling quick and directed responses.

Director of Data and Information Systems, Dr. Maman Somantri, ST., MT., stated that the Data Center built meets both ISO and SNI compliance standards and falls into the tier 2 category. Previously, the data center only met tier 1 standards. The UNDIP data center fulfills five essential requirements:

  1. High reliability, ensuring continuous operation without interruption through the use of high-quality hardware components, redundancy systems, and routine maintenance.
  2. Strict security protects stored data from various threats such as theft, destruction, and natural disasters.
  3. Fast connectivity, with quick and reliable internet connections, ensures smooth data transfers and easy access to stored information.
  4. Energy efficiency means using the latest technology to reduce energy consumption, thereby reducing operational costs and environmental impact.
  5. Scalability is a quickly expanding capacity to meet the increasing storage and processing needs of data.

With advanced devices and integrated systems, monitoring is made more accessible, further enhancing UNDIP’s service quality as a world-class campus. (Ut-Public Relations)

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