Universitas Diponegoro

Increasing KPI Achievements, UNDIP Launches SIASAT Application

Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Launches Integrated Cooperation Information System Application (Sistem Informasi Kerja Sama Terpadu / SIASAT). Diponegoro University (UNDIP) launched the Integrated Cooperation Information System (SIASAT) application on Monday, May 27, 2024, at the Grand Wahid Hotel in Salatiga. The SIASAT application will serve as a database for cooperation between UNDIP and other universities, both domestic and international, as well as with national and multinational companies.

The launch of the SIASAT application demonstrates UNDIP’s commitment to improving the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) indicators, particularly KPI 6, which regulates Study Programs in Collaboration with World-Class Partners. The SIASAT application is designed to resemble the Lapkerma (Cooperation Reporting System) owned by Dikti, ensuring that 6 indicators of UNDIP’s KPI can always be predicted and monitored.

In his speech, the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., asked the vice deans and heads of institutions present at the SIASAT launch event to provide full support to the cooperation PICs (Persons in Charge) responsible for entering data into the SIASAT application.

“We hope that the vice deans and heads of institutions who are here can continue to fully support the cooperation PICs, as they are the ones working hard to input data from the faculties and institutions,” said Prof. Ambariyanto, usually known as Prof. Ambar.

The hope is that supporting data for KPI 6 for 2024 can start to be entered now. It should be noted that Cooperation Agreements and Implementation Agreements are valuable for KPI 6 assessments. Among the types of cooperation undertaken, partnerships with the world’s top 200 universities and multinational companies have the highest value in KPI 6 assessment indicators.

The following day (May 28), UNDIP’s Bureau of Innovation and Cooperation conducted socialization and assistance for reporting cooperation documents on the SIASAT application. This reporting activity was attended by cooperation PICs from each faculty and institution within UNDIP. (Hng-Public Relations)

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