Universitas Diponegoro

Creating a World-Class University, UNDIP Designs a Strategy for Achieving International Rankings

The Diponegoro University Ranking Office (Kankat UNDIP) held a Workshop on Strategies for Achieving the Top 500 QS World University Ranking (WUR) at UNDIP on Monday, July 8, 2024, at the Grand Candi Hotel, Semarang. The event was attended by the Rector of UNDIP, the Vice Rector for Innovation and Cooperation, the Deans of Faculties/Schools, and their respective teams. As part of the World-Class University (WCU) program and activities, UNDIP analyzed the assessment indicators used by university-ranking institutions and discussed efforts to enhance the quality and quantity of branding to achieve higher rankings, particularly in the QS WUR. The speaker at this event was Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, S.E., MBA., Ph.D., a member of the WCU Task Force for Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and Head of BPP at Airlangga University from 2015 to 2020.

UNDIP’s strategy to achieve the top 500 QS WUR ranking includes various activities in academics, resource management, branding, institutional networking, and research and publication innovation. The Rector of UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., expressed his optimism that UNDIP could reach the top 500 QS World University Ranking through internal business process improvements. “Hopefully, in the near future, UNDIP can achieve the top 500 QS WUR ranking. We are also encouraging several leading study programs to be included in the QS World University Rankings,” said Prof. Suharnomo.

The speaker from Airlangga University, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, S.E., MBA., Ph.D., presented material on “World-Class Universities Towards an Advanced Indonesia 2045.” He stated that achieving WCU status is important because becoming a world-class university can optimize technology transfer and attract global talent, resulting in superior research products. It requires the involvement of stakeholders, including the central, provincial, and city governments, to develop steps towards achieving WCU.

The presentation by the speaker was followed by a presentation from the Head of the UNDIP Ranking Office, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, on “UNDIP QS WUR Achievements and Strategies for Achieving QS WUR 500.” Currently, there are nine latest QS WUR indicators: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty-student ratio, citations per faculty, international faculty ratio, international-student ratio, international research network, employment outcomes, and sustainability. Activities related to reputation and branding, data submission, repositories, and resource quality need to be optimized.

The Head of the UNDIP Ranking Office stated, “We are making efforts to improve what is lacking; ranking is not the ultimate goal. The goal is not just the ranking, so after reaching the top 500, we should not stop. We need to improve the system and address the shortcomings that still need to be improved.”

Next, there was a discussion session between the speakers and workshop participants. Through this workshop, it is hoped that UNDIP can take concrete steps towards becoming a WCU with the participation of all layers of UNDIP’s academic community and staff. (Titis-Public Relations)

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