Universitas Diponegoro

D’Ozone Technology Created by UNDIP Scientists Helps Farmers Maintain Vegetable Quality

After previously providing utility for farmers in various regions in Indonesia, now it is the turn of Wonosobo farmers to feel the benefits of D’Ozone Technology. This technology helps farmers extend the storage time of short-lived vegetables, such as chilies and tomatoes, for up to two months.

Launching of Ozonization of Wonosobo Farmers’ Vegetable Products, held on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at Reco Sub-Village, Reco Village, Kertek District, Wonosobo Regency, attended by the Rector of UNDIP, Vice Rector for Human Resources, Information Technology, Law and Organization, President Director of PT. Dipo Technology, Chairperson of the Center for Plasma Research (CPR), Head of P2KKN UNDIP, representatives from the Wonosobo Regent, Representatives of ICMI Wonosobo, Representatives of MUI Wonosobo, Among Tani Farmer Group, and the Reco Village Apparatus, Kertek District, Wonosobo Regency.

D’Ozone Technology utilizes plasma to generate ozone from ambient air, functioning as a sterilization tool to enhance the quality and shelf life of horticultural products. By inhibiting bacterial and fungal decay and reducing pesticide levels by up to 90%, it allows perishable vegetables, typically lasting only a week, to remain fresh for up to two months while ensuring safer consumption.

Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., Rector of UNDIP, emphasized that D’Ozone Technology reflects UNDIP’s tangible contributions to society, specifically to farmers. “UNDIP is not only an ivory tower but also an educational institution that is beneficial to society, in accordance with the tagline UNDIP Bermartabat, UNDIP Bermanfaat,” said Prof. Suharnomo.

Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si. hopes that in the future, there will be cooperation with the Regional Government in utilizing D’Ozone technology for Wonosobo farmers. He also hopes that Thematic Community Services (Kuliah Kerja Nyata / KKN) activities can be held in this area as a form of UNDIP’s real contribution to the community.

Representing the Wonosobo Regent, Mohamad Riyatno, Assistant for General Administration, welcomed the innovation, expressing a commitment to replicating its implementation in other villages and exploring large-scale storage solutions for horticultural products. “Let’s welcome it with motivation and commitment so that what we have started can continue and be developed over time. Currently, it is still in Reco Village; the next task is farmer groups in other villages, and in the future, we will replicate it in other sub-districts. In the future, we can also find solutions and plans for storage of horticultural products on a large scale,” said M. Riyatno.

Responding to the statement of the UNDIP Rector, his party also agreed with the Thematic KKN activity plan. According to him, the university, in this case UNDIP, will significantly help mitigate the problems faced by farmers in each village in its area.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT. Dipo Technology Azwar, S.E., M.M., explained that so far, farmers in the Wonosobo area have often complained about the low price of their harvest. This technology will help them delay the time to sell their harvest, as well as open up opportunities for farmers to increase their selling value and competitiveness in the market.

“Horticultural products that have gone through the ozonation process are fresh, healthy, hygienic and low in pesticides. This can also help the Government’s program, namely the free nutritious meal program (Makan Bergizi Gratis / MBG), which is given to students in schools,” said Azwar.

Meanwhile, the inventor of Ozone Plasma Technology and Head of the UNDIP Center for Plasma Research (CPR), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur, DEA, explained that the D’Ozone product is an ozone generator with a capacity of 150 grams/hour. D’Ozone can kill bacteria and remove pesticides. “We dissolve ozone into water using Nano Micobubble technology, then these bubbles burst and dissolve into water. If this ozone is dissolved into water, it can kill bacteria and remove pesticides. This 0.1 ppm solution can kill bacteria that cause product rot. This is what we use in Reco Village, Kertek District,” said Prof. Nur.

Prof. Nur added that the vegetable products resulting from D’Ozone treatment had been registered under the Agrozone brand, so the results of treatment with Nano Microbubble ozone technology are registered under the Agrozone brand.

On this occasion, he also hopes that young farmers, especially in the Wonosobo area, can take advantage of this business opportunity and utilize the land in Wonosobo to increase agricultural production. Prof. Nur continued, “D’Ozone products can be sold not only in Wonosobo area markets but also outside the area, can enter modern markets and supermarkets, and one day we will have exports from this area.”

The benefits of D’Ozone technology have been felt by farmers, Among Tani Dwi Haryanto for example, is grateful because he has received a solution to the problem of falling agricultural yields. With D’Ozone technology, when the price of farm products falls, farmers can store them first, waiting for the cost to return to normal.

D’Ozone is a real example of the results of collaboration between UNDIP academics, industry, government, and communities. UNDIP hopes that this technology will contribute to national food security and poverty alleviation in Central Java and Indonesia. In addition to Wonosobo Regency and various other areas in Central Java, D’Ozone products have also been utilized by farmers in Jawa Timur, Sumatera Utara and Kalimantan.


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