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UNDIP Continues to Improve the Quality of Education

In order to ensure the fulfillment of the PPEPP cycle in the Internal Quality Assurance System (Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal / SPMI) of Universitas Diponegoro, the Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (LP2MP) of Universitas Diponegoro held the 2023 Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Management Review Meeting on March 7, 2024, at the Grand Candi Hotel, Semarang. The event was attended by the Chair of the Academic Senate, Heads and Deputy Heads of BPP, 13 Deans, 13 Vice Deans I, and 13 Heads of TPMF from various Faculties/Schools within Universitas Diponegoro.

The event was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at Universitas Diponegoro, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, SE, M.Si. In his remarks, he emphasized the importance of maintaining the quality of education at Universitas Diponegoro to produce competitive and skilled graduates.

Entering the first session, the 2023 Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Management Review Meeting report was presented by Prof. Dr. Paramita Prananingtyas, S.H., LLM, as Secretary of LP2MP. In her presentation, Prof. Mita explained the purpose, benefits, and implementation of the Internal Quality Audit. During this session, faculties and several programs that achieved the highest scores in the 2023 Internal Quality Audit (Audit Mutu Internal / AMI) were also announced. Faculties and study programs with the highest scores received certificates of appreciation and souvenirs from LP2MP.

In the next session, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Gunani Partiwi, M.T., from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, presented material titled “Implications of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation No. 53 of 2023 on Higher Education Quality Assurance.” Participants enthusiastically followed Prof. Gunani’s explanation of quality assurance in higher education. Participants raised various questions, particularly regarding the implications of assessment instrument adjustments by BAN-PT and LAM. Participants also asked for tips and tricks on managing study programs to ensure that education quality remains consistent, well-maintained, and even elevated to an international level.

In the final session, Dr. Naniek Utami Handayani, S.Si., M.T., Head of the Internal Quality Assurance Center at LP2MP, explained the following steps to be taken following the Management Review Meeting. Dr. Naniek outlined improvement measures that all study program managers must carry out to maintain the continuity of education quality at Universitas Diponegoro, based on the Internal Quality Audit report from each Faculty. The event concluded with a group photo session and the presentation of souvenirs to the speakers.

Source: LP2MP UNDIP’s Website

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