Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Presents Awards for 5 Professors Entering Retirement Period

Semarang – Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) held an Open Session of the Academic Senate for the Purna Adi Cendekia ceremony on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at the Prof. Sudarto, S.H. Building, UNDIP Tembalang Campus. This ceremony serves as a profound tribute from UNDIP to five Professors who have been pillars of knowledge and sources of inspiration for future generations.

The five Professors officially retiring and receiving this honor are:

  1. Ir. Nany Yuliastuti, MSP (Faculty of Engineering);
  2. Ir. Sri Sangkawati, M.S (Faculty of Engineering);
  3. dr. Anies, M.Kes., PKK (Faculty of Medicine);
  4. Ir. Sutiyono, M.S. (Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences);
  5. Dra. Dewi Yuliati, M.A. (Faculty of Humanities).

The event began with an address by the Chairperson of UNDIP’s Academic Senate, Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc., Ph.D., I.P.U., who expressed immense gratitude for the contributions and dedication of these Professors in advancing the university. “Thank you for guiding and mentoring us, the juniors, in navigating the long and solitary path of research,” said Prof. Edy.

Similarly, UNDIP Rector, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., delivered a speech to commemorate the extraordinary contributions of these five Professors. UNDIP deeply appreciates their dedication to the development of the campus and the nation.

“A professor never truly disappears; they simply step aside as new minds come with emerging advancements in knowledge. Nothing can surpass the wisdom of these Professors retiring today, gained through their life experiences. We are immensely proud of their achievements as exceptional educators and creators of outstanding scholarly works,” stated Prof. Suharnomo.

The Rector also emphasized that if a teacher or lecturer seeks honor or wealth as motivation, the world has changed significantly. However, choosing the teaching profession to impart beneficial knowledge is a blessing and paves the way for self-reliance, considered an everlasting charity in religious teachings.

“Becoming a teacher out of a genuine desire to transfer knowledge to others not only brings immortality but also provides benefits to students and humanity. May all that the Professors have given to UNDIP—students, colleagues, and everyone—be a blessing for the nation, nature, and all of us,” concluded Prof. Suharnomo in his speech.

Through their contributions and dedication to education, scientific development, and community service, UNDIP continues to solidify its position as a leading university producing scholars of integrity. (DHW)

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