Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Community Service Team Invites Jagan Village Residents to Plant Lavender to Repel Mosquitoes

Jagan Village, July 28, 2024 – The UNDIP Community Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata / KKN) Team II 2024 deployed in Jagan Village successfully implemented a program to raise awareness about the dangers of mosquitoes and their prevention methods. The event, held at the Jagan Village Hall, was attended by representatives of the Women Farmers Group from across the village on Sunday, July 28, 2024.

The Community Service team, consisting of Maria Fransiska Br Simbolon (Management), Syakriza Rifandi Yudhoananto (Law), Daniswara Adi Wicaksana (English Literature), Yudhansa Anandhita R (Nursing Science), Nadyn Amalia Resi (Chemical Engineering Technology), Alifa Humaira (Agribusiness), Nidaul Husna (Public Administration), Eka Auliya Syifa (Mathematics), and Deanita Silvia Putri (Aquaculture), provided training to the participants.

The event ran smoothly, starting with an opening prayer and remarks from the village coordinator and PKK leader, followed by a presentation on the dangers of mosquitoes and preventive measures.

The event concluded with the symbolic handover of lavender plants by the UNDIP Community Service team to KWT representatives, followed by the distribution of lavender plants to all participants and a photo session. A total of 15 lavender plants were given to the participants, with the remaining plants placed at the Jagan Village Hall.

The idea for this program arose after the Community Service team attended the Grebeg Jentik event organized by the PKK of Jagan Village, where they found many homes still infected with mosquito larvae.

The program received positive feedback, especially for the lavender plant giveaway. “Lavender is effective in dealing with mosquito problems because of its linalool and linalyl acetate content and its aroma, which mosquitoes dislike,” explained one of the Community Service team members.

Mulyani, a participant, appreciated the program. “This program is great and very relevant in addressing the issues we are facing, as the abundance of mosquitoes is alarming and harmful to our health,” she said. The Village Head also expressed gratitude, appreciating the new knowledge provided by the Community Service team.

Overall, the participants appreciated the program and expressed their gratitude for the solution the UNDIP Community Service team provided to help address the mosquito problem in Jagan Village.

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