Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Invites Students to Stay Away from Online Gambling and Maintain Academic Ethics

Semarang, February 27, 2025 – Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), through the Technical Implementation Unit for Student Consultation Services, Disabilities, Discipline, and Ethics Enforcement (Unit Pelaksana Teknis Layanan Konsultasi, Disabilitas, Penegakan Disiplin, dan Etika Mahasiswa / UPT LKPDM), held a socialization event titled “Preventing Online Gambling and Student Ethics Violations as Counselor Training at Universitas Diponegoro.” This event aimed to raise student awareness about the dangers of online gambling and emphasize the importance of ethics in academic life, particularly for student counselors.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at UNDIP officially opened the event. He highlighted the importance of maintaining academic integrity and supporting efforts to prevent deviant behaviors among students.

Three expert speakers were invited to share insights on key issues. Kombes Pol Himawan Sutanto Saragih, S.H., S.I.K., S.T., M.H. (Dirreskrimsiber Polda Jawa Tengah) delivered the material “Together Eradicate and Fight Online Gambling in Jawa Tengah.” In his presentation, Kombes Himawan explained the trend of online gambling cases that are increasingly rampant and their impact on students, including financial and psychosocial risks. In addition, he emphasized the importance of cooperation between law enforcement officers and the community, especially in the academic environment.

Dr. Nuswantoro Dwiwarno, S.H., M.H. (Deputy Director of Student Achievement and Business Development UNDIP) spoke about “Prevention and Handling of Violence in the University Environment.” In this session, Dr. Nuswantoro reviewed various forms of violence that can occur in the campus environment, including verbal, physical, and psychological violence, and explained preventive measures and mechanisms for reporting and handling cases of violence in accordance with applicable regulations.

Meanwhile, Annastasia Ediati, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., Psikolog (Head of the Consultation, Disability, Discipline Enforcement, and Student Ethics Service Unit of UNDIP) discussed “Trends in Student Counseling Problems and How to Handle Them”. In her material, she revealed various challenges faced by students in the academic process and personal life, such as academic pressure, mental health problems, and the influence of digital media. She also emphasized the importance of counseling as a means to help students overcome their problems constructively.

Held at the Auditorium, 3rd Floor, Building A, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UNDIP, the event was attended by student representatives, faculty counselors, and academic staff responsible for student mentoring across faculties and schools at UNDIP. Through this initiative, participants are expected to gain a deeper understanding of online gambling and student ethics violations, as well as enhance their counseling skills to support students facing these issues.

Established on November 1, 2024, UPT LKPDM operates under the Directorate of Student Affairs and Alumni. It provides student consultation services, support services for students with disabilities, and services of discipline enforcement and student ethics. For more information about this event, contact UPT LKPDM UNDIP via email: upt.yanmas@undip.ac.id or hotline: 0811-2500-5757

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