Supporting Mathematical Research and Collaboration, Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip Holds Visiting Lecturer

Artificial Intelligence (AI) or also known as artificial intelligence is the advancement of human technology that is expected to help humans in completing work. Artificial intelligence provides human-like interactions through software and provides alternative supporting solutions for certain jobs. Artificial intelligence has now been applied to online marketing and banking applications in Indonesia. In the future, Indonesia has plan to apply artificial intelligence in various needs.

To support artificial intelligence in Indonesia, Department of Mathematics of Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University, today (01/04/2021), is conducting a public lecture entitled “Visiting Lecturer: Quadratic Programming for Machine Learning”. Dean of Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si. welcomed this event by mentioning how important it is to develop innovation in technology which can be applied to real problems with mathematics. The guest lecturer who gave a presentation is from the School of Mathemathics and Basic Science Quest International University Malaysia, namely Dr. Goh Khang Wen. Machine Learning is a part of artificial intelligence which has the ability to learn automatically from experience without being explicitly programmed. Meanwhile, Quadratic Programming is a mathematical optimization that can be applied in various problems, for example in curve fitting statistics or on machines, namely as supporting vector calculating machines or in robotics to solve reverse kinematics. By implementing Quadratic Programming in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence will be able to provide better alternative solutions in completing certain jobs.

Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si. is enthusiastically conveying the contribution of Faculty of Science and Mathematics in the role of improving community welfare, it will stimulate learning collaborations which will certainly be useful for lecturers and students of mathematics program. Through the Visiting Lecturer program, Faculty of Science and Mathematics provides a forum for brainstorming in the fields of science and mathematics as well as a mission to encourage students who have high abilities in mathematics to become qualified graduates. In the future, this program is expected to increase research in mathematics and expand opportunities for collaboration between Faculty of Science and Mathematics of Diponegoro University and School of Mathemathics and Basic Science Quest International University Malaysia.

As a form of commitment to the contribution of Faculty of Science and Mathematics to support mathematical research and wider collaboration, on April 10th 2021, a Visiting Lecturer will also be held with the theme “Dynamical System and Its Application” by Master of Mathematics Study Program. On the same day, Department of Statistics will hold a “Training on Making Spatial Data Processing Applications Using R-Shiny”. By implementation of programs held by Faculty of Science and Mathematics, it is hoped that it can encourage the advancement of technological innovation that can be applied to real problems in Indonesia and internationally. (Diska-PR)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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