Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si.
Telp/Fax : +62 24 7460013
e-mail : rektor@live.undip.ac.id
website : rektor.undip.ac.id
He serves as the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro for the 2024-2029 term. He is from the Faculty of Economics and Business and is an expert in Human Resource Management.

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T.
Vice Rector for Academics and Student Affairs
Telp/Fax : +62 24 7460014
e-mail : warek1@live.undip.ac.id
He is the Vice Rector I responsible for Academics and Student Affairs. He is from the Faculty of Engineering and is an expert in Membrane Technology.

Dr. Warsito Kawedar, S.E., M.Si., Akt.
Vice Rector for Planning, Finance, Assets, Business, and Household Affairs
Telp/Fax : +62 24 7460015
e-mail : warek2@live.undip.ac.id
He is the Vice Rector II overseeing Planning, Finance, Assets, Business, and Household Affairs. He is from the Faculty of Economics and Business and is an expert in Public Sector Accounting.

Prof. Dr. Adian Fatchur Rochim, S.T., M.T.
Vice Rector for Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal Affairs, and Organization
Telp/Fax : +62 24 7460016
e-mail : warek3@live.undip.ac.id
He is the Vice Rector III responsible for Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal Affairs, and Organization. He is from the Faculty of Engineering and specializes in Scientometrics, Computer Networks, and IT Governance.

Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D.
Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, Partnerships, and Public Communication
Telp/Fax : +62 24 7460017
e-mail : warek4@live.undip.ac.id
He is the Vice Rector IV, managing Research, Innovation, Partnerships, and Public Communication. He is from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and is an expert in Media and Democracy.