Diponegoro University obtained accreditation “A” in BAN-PT (106/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/PT/II/2023)
Update Akreditasi BAN-PT Undip (Source)
2. IKU PTNBH 2022

Universitas Diponegoro menempati peringkat 8 dari seluruh PTNBH di seluruh Indonesia.
3. 4ICU Web/Domain

Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) occupies the position of the top 9 best campuses in Indonesia in the latest release issued by the agency, in January 2023.
As published in the official website http://www.4icu.org/id/, Undip rank 9th best campuses in Indonesia. (Source)
4. QS
5. UI Greenmetric World University Ranking

Diponegoro University ranking is 29 with score 8750 (ranked 2 in Indonesia)
Update Undip Ranking on World Greenmetrics Ranking (Source)
6. SCImago Institutions Rankings

Undip scientific publications ranked 4 in Indonesia and rangked 611 in the World Ranking in SCImago Institutions Rankings. (source)
7. Webometrics

Diponegoro University in July 2023 ranked 8 in the Indonesia rankings and ranked 1156 in the World Ranking in Webometrics for Website.
Update Undip Ranking on Webometrics for Website (Source)