UNDIP Rector: Time for Graduates to Serve and Contribute to Society

UNDIP, Semarang, (February 4) – A total of 3,101 graduates participated in the 177th Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) in 2025, held at the Muladi Dome, UNDIP Multipurpose Building (GSG), Tembalang Campus. The event was held from February 4 to February 6, 2025.

This graduation ceremony was conducted in three stages over three days, with one stage per day. Stage I included graduates from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, and Vocational School. Stage II was for graduates from the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and Faculty of Psychology. Stage III included graduates from the Postgraduate School, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, and Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences.

UNDIP Rector, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., congratulated the graduates, who consisted of 51 Doctoral graduates, 399 Master’s graduates, 113 Medical Specialist graduates, 408 Professional Program graduates, 1,943 Bachelor’s graduates, 174 Applied Bachelor’s (D4) graduates, and 13 Diploma graduates. This fellow also included 208 Bidik Misi scholarship recipients and one international student from Korea.

In his speech, the Rector expressed his hope that the students who officially graduated at UNDIP’s 177th Graduation Ceremony would quickly secure employment or even create businesses that generate job opportunities for others. He emphasized that UNDIP continues to rank among the top universities in Indonesia for graduates securing employment quickly, as confirmed by the latest QS University Ranking for Employability and tracer studies showing that 92% of UNDIP graduates find jobs within six months of graduation.

“As we see in the Merah Putih Cabinet, several ministers, deputy ministers, and agency heads are UNDIP alumni. This national recognition proves the high caliber of UNDIP graduates. Now, it is time for you to serve and contribute to society in even greater ways confidently,” said Prof. Suharnomo.

“After graduation, seek opportunities with the ‘Great Why’—live a meaningful life with purpose, contribution, and significance. The best people are those who bring the most benefit to others,” he advised.

Chairman of the Academic Senate, Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, also addressed the graduates, saying, “Go forth across the archipelago and even beyond, lit the Diponegoro spirit wherever you go. Be agents of change and development for the advancement of civilization and the welfare of society. Stay humble and avoid arrogance in knowledge, power, and skills,” he urged.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., reported that as of this graduation period, UNDIP had produced a total of 275,278 graduates, with 1,661 graduates (53.56%) earning cum laude honors.

“Congratulations to the cum laude graduates—great job! Your hard work has paid off today. For those who did not achieve cum laude predicate, do not be discouraged. Cum laude is not the sole measure of success. Let today be a turning point to prove that success is not defined by a title but by perseverance and determination. You can do it, and you can make a change,” concluded Prof. Heru.

UNDIP’s 177th Graduation Ceremony can be watched in full on UNDIP TV’s Official YouTube Channel. (DHW)

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