Bidikmisi Scholarship

Every citizen has the right to get education. The right of every citizen of the State has included in Article 31 (1) of the Constitution of 1945. According to the article, the government and regional governments are required to provide services and facilities, and ensure the quality education for every citizen without discrimination, and society are obliged provide resources in support of education. To conduct a quality education required considerable expense. Therefore, every student at the educational unit eligible for tuition assistance for those who have good academic potential and the economically disadvantaged and are entitled to scholarships for high achievers.

Increased equity of access to tertiary level is still an issue in our country, as reflected in the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), which reached 29.4% and the numbers continue to university level is still low compared to developing countries in general. Thus still quite a lot of graduates of secondary education that can not go on to college, including those potentially good academic from economically disadvantaged families. In addition, increase access to information and sources of funding are also relatively limited.

Various types of scholarships or tuition assistance either by the central government, local governments and from the business or industry has been launched. However, given the relative assistance can not meet the needs of the study, the number of targets and yet ensure the sustainability of the student to complete the study.

Government through the Directorate General for Education and Student Affairs, the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education began in 2010 launched the Assistance Program Tuition Fee Bidikmisi ie tuition assistance for students finish their studies and have academic potential well to study in college on excellent courses to graduate on time.

Other efforts are being made to support the program, among others by compiling a database of secondary education students who have good academic potential and are not economically able to be accessed by various parties that are expected to help or provide tuition assistance.

Legislation that is premised on the provision of tuition assistance are:

  1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System, Chapter V, Article 12 (1.c) states that every student at every academic year will receive a scholarship for the achievement whose parents could not afford Article 12 (1. d) states that every student at any educational institution entitled to the cost of education for those whose parents are not able to finance their education.
  2. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2012 on Higher Education, Article 76 (1) states that the Government, Local Government, and / or universities are obliged to fulfill the rights Students can not afford economically to be able to finish his studies in accordance with the regulations of Article (2 ) mentions that the fulfillment of student rights referred to in paragraph (1) is done by providing: (a) scholarships to outstanding students, (b) waive any assistance or education;
  3. Indonesian Government Regulation No. 48 of 2008 on Education Funding, Chapter V, Article 27 paragraph (1), states that the Government and local government pursuant to the authority given tuition assistance or scholarships to students whose parents or guardians are unable to finance the Article 27 paragraph (2) states that the Government and Local Government in accordance with the authority can give scholarships to students who excel.
  4. Indonesian Government Regulation No. 66 Year 2010 regarding Amendment to Government Regulation No. 17 Year 2010 on the Management and Delivery of Education, Article 53A which confirms that the units of higher education organized by the Government or regional government in accordance with their respective authorities shall provide scholarships for students Indonesian citizen who excel and are required to allocate a place for prospective students of Indonesian nationality, who have both academic potential and the economically disadvantaged, at least 20% (twenty percent) of the total number of new learners.
  5. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 96 Year 2014 on Implementation Assistance Education Costs


  1. Turning hope for the less fortunate people and has the potential to be a good academic education to higher education;
  2. Produce human resources that could play a role in breaking the chains of poverty and empowerment


  1. Improving access and learning opportunities in higher education for students who finish their studies and academic potential well;
  2. Provide tuition assistance to candidates / students who meet the criteria for studying Diploma / Degree and finished on time;
  3. Improving student achievement, both in the areas of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular;
  4. Impact procession for students and other prospective students to constantly improve the performance and kompetif;
  5. Childbirth graduate independent, productive and social care, so that they can play a role in breaking the chain of poverty efforts and empowerment


Target program is graduate education unit SMA / SMK / MA / MAK or other equivalent forms 2014 and 2015 were not capable economically and have good academic potential.