Psychiatry Specialist Study Program of FK UNDIP Held Online Seminar: Introduction on Medical Hypnosis

The Psychiatry Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Diponegoro University (Undip) together with the Association of Indonesian Mental Health Specialists (PDSKJI) Semarang Branch held a Webinar with theme “Introduction on Medical Hypnosis” on Friday (14/01) at 02:00 PM via Zoom meeting platform and live streaming of UndipTV Official Youtube Channel.

The webinar was held in order to introduce further to the public about Medical Hypnosis. This webinar invited dr. Innawati Jusup, M.Kes., Sp.KJ., and dr. Widodo AS Bachelor, MKM, Sp.KJ as the speakers.

dr. Widodo Scholar AS, MKM, Sp.KJ., revealed that hypnosis is a condition caused by a state of high concentration on a single idea suggested by the hypnotizing person. “In this state, imagination, belief, and hope are more intense than in the normal state of consciousness,” he said.

Hypnotherapy is a therapy of thought and healing technique that uses hypnosis methods to give positive suggestions or commands to the subconscious mind. The objectives of this therapy are to heal a psychological disorder or to change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors for the better. Hypnotherapy can give positive suggestions or commands, this is what distinguishes hypnotherapy from hypnotic crimes.

“Actually, hypnotherapy or medical hypnosis is included in psychotherapy techniques that are taught in science that leads to thoughts, feelings, and behavior both in psychology and in psychiatry. However, at this time it turns out that those who study hypnotherapy are not only people from medicine or psychology fields, but everyone who has certification can carry out hypnotherapy action,” explained dr. Widodo.

Psychotherapy techniques are divided into two, namely non-specific and specific. Hypnotherapy is the only psychotherapy technique that is carried out in the subconscious state, while other psychotherapy techniques are practiced in the conscious state.

In psychological therapy, hypnotherapy is administered by a trained clinical psychologist. Hypnotherapy is used to treat various psychological and psychosomatic disorders, where the consciousness is transferred to a trance state, so this will cause a person to move to a more positive state.

dr. Widodo conveyed that hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapeutic assistance. Therapy will directly point the client to positive changes when the client is very relaxed in a state of high suggestibility called a trance. “So the hypnotherapy is done when the person is in a trance state,” said the Head of PDSKJI Semarang Branch.

In general, every normal person on average can be hypnotized if he does not refuse or consciously, except if he does not have the ability to concentrate and does not understand communication, for example there is a disturbance of the five senses. People who are hypnotized cannot be ordered to do things against their will.

“So it is impossible for someone who is hypnotized to do things against his will or outside what is actually the value of his life. This hypnosis method is a safe psychotherapy,” concluded dr. Widodo.

Meanwhile, dr. Innawati Jusup, M.Kes., Sp.KJ., added that hypnotherapy can increase the healing ratio to overcome mental health problems and sleep problems/disorders. “Later on in undergoing a therapy, hypnotherapy can be conducted with 6 sessions. It has a 93% ratio of recovery or having the possibility of being cured,” said dr. Innawati.

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