UNDIP Deployed Thematic Community Service Students of Peduli Semeru Program

“Diponegoro University is managed based on the values of compassion and rahmatan lil alamin, as something that is a blessing for mankind and even the universe. Charity will save us, when we give charity and the person who is given is happy or the person sends their prayer to us, therein lies the eternity of charity. For example, someone said that in the past, Undip Community Service students came to their place and provide good service to the community. This will definitely be told continuously. Don’t forget to be nice because our smile may become valuable strength to people who are in trouble” said Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M. Hum. at the Deployment of Community Service (KKN) Students of “Peduli Semeru” Program, in the ICT building yard of the Undip Tembalang Campus (31/1).

“As a helper, the condition is that he himself must be safe, so stay safe, take care of your health, straighten your intentions so you don’t complain easily. Don’t forget to worship and pray, respect local people, give a good impression to the community and always coordinate with related parties,” said Undip Rector to Community Service students.

Head of Undip Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T. said that Community Service “Peduli Semeru” was a routine academic activity which was included in thematic community service activities as well as real form of awareness from Undip for the community. There were 91 registrants who were then interviewed for 2 days and filtered to 34 students.

Furthermore, from 34 students, medical tests were carried out and finally 30 students from almost all faculties in Undip passed the final test. The briefing was held on Thursday, January 27, 2022 with materials on mapping and disaster mitigation by the Head of the Lumajang National Disaster Management Agency (BPBD); materials on personal skills in disaster areas and collaborative Community Service by the Rector of Lumajang University; as well as explanation on disaster waste management.

“These Community Service activities will start from January 31 to March 14, 2022 in two locations, namely Sumbermujur Village and Sumberwuluh Village. Undip Community Service students will be received directly by the Lumajang Regency Government and the Lumajang Regent. Happiness is when we can use our lives to help others and the happiest people are not the people who get the most but the people who can give the most,” explained Prof. Jamari. (Lin – Public Relations)

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