Department of Industrial Engineering FT UNDIP Held Public Lecture on Project Management in Collaboration with PT Indonesia Power Project Unit

The Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering (FT), Diponegoro University (Undip), Semarang recently held its first Public Lecture on Project Management – Teaching Leader Series in a hybrid manner (offline at the 4th floor Theater room, FT Undip and online via the MS Teams platform) on Friday (20/05). The theme is “Implementation of Project Management on the Power Plant Project of PT. Indonesia Power and Its Role in Indonesia’s Future Energy Transition”.

The event invited speakers from PT. Indonesia Power Project Unit, I Gusti Ngurah Agung S as General Manager, and Fardhian Windo as Deputy General Manager. Moderator of the event was Dr. Singgih Saptadi, S.T., M.T., the Head of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program S1. The invited audiences included lecturers & students from Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Electrical Engineering as well as a team from PT. Indonesia Power Semarang.

In her remarks, Dr. Ir. Ratna Purwaningsih, S.T., M.T. IPM, the Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering expressed his gratitude to PT. Indonesia Power Project Unit for its participation in organizing events including funding. She mentioned that the project management material that will be delivered by the two speakers is very relevant to the disciplines of Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering as well as Electrical Engineering because it is related to the power plant project.

“Everyone misses offline lectures so it can be a warm-up, as well as for the lecturers who really want to teach offline. It is hoped that this event will provide benefits for all who attend, but further than that, of course, we want the event to not stop here so that it becomes a continuous event. Hopefully in the future it can be an opening for the next collaboration,” she added.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc, Ph.D officially opened the event. “This lecture has a very cool topic, namely project management which is important for students where the aspects are quite broad, not only technical but involve several social issues. In fact, sometimes what is difficult is not technical but social problems because there are human resources, governance, systems and a lot of things that are very interesting to discuss and relevant to the independent learning program for independent campuses,” he added.

Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc, Ph.D also hoped to increase cooperation by offering S-2 by research, S-3 by research to staff of PT. Indonesia Power to enroll in the Industrial Engineering Master Study Program or other Master Programs at the Faculty of Engineering. “We also have collaborated with PUPR, the Minister immediately ordered us to complete the study in 18 months (3 semesters), no longer in 4 semesters. It is hoped that the collaboration between Industry and Universities will become closer because there are many interests involved with the support of strong human resources, capacity building, teaching and learning processes, lifelong learning education which must really be carried out,” he concluded.

Furthermore, the presentation of the material by the two resource persons discussed in more detail about the ins and outs of PT. Indonesia Power with a great presentation so that the participants who attended were enthusiastic to listen. (Diah – Public Relations)

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