FISIP UNDIP Students Won Gold Medals at the 2022 World Youth Inventors Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

InaGo is the team that won a gold medal at the 2022 World Youth Inventors Exhibition (WYIE) which was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 26-27, 2022. WYIE was attended by 120 teams from 16 countries. One of them is the InaGo team which is a representative of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) which consists of five people including:

  1. Nur Cholis Rina Irawan Sagala Maradat (Business Administration 2019)
  2. Anissa Rizqi Adha (Business Administration 2019)
  3. Deki Nur Fitrian (Business Administration 2019)
  4. Rayyan Nanda Syalya Lagilote (Business Administration 2021)
  5. Sheila Syifa Salsabila (Industrial Engineering 2019)

The InaGo team brought the idea of “InaGo International: Indonesian B2B Spice Marketing and Development Program”. InaGo was sparked by the problems and potentials that exist in the country. As is known, Indonesia is a country that is rich in natural products. A little review of history, the VOC is a trading organization that was formed during the colonial period with a focus on selling Indonesian spices and until now the wealth of the VOC is still unbeatable by any company. For this reason, InaGo was formed to raise the glory of Indonesian spices with a healthy system and target a wider and definite market.

InaGo is a user-friendly platform, both for buyers and sellers of spices (farmers). InaGo provides ease of use for each of its features and transparency on price, quality and delivery process. Not only that, InaGo also has advantages that its competitors do not have, namely a soil detection tool that uses the scan feature in the “seller” application. This feature can help farmers to identify, study and discover the potential of the soil to grow quality spices.

During the 2022 World Youth Inventors Exhibition, InaGo attracted many exhibitors and visitors and even received funding offers for its continuation. This achievement cannot be separated from the support of many parties, especially the Inago team supervisor, namely Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem, S.AB., MBA. who has guided and assisted the team. As a supervisor, Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem, S.AB, MBA has always emphasized the importance of being serious as a delegate at international events in order to maintain the good name of Diponegoro University and Indonesia.

We also do not forget to express our gratitude to the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Dr. Drs. Hardi Warsono, MTP and staff who have made our departure easier by providing support and financial assistance for departure and administration. We also thank you for your appreciation for our return to our homeland on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at the FISIP Building.

The achievement of the InaGo team is expected to be a trigger for Diponegoro University students to continue to work and glorify the university name in the international arena. “Everyone starts from zero, every step starts with determination, so do we. If we can do it, so can you! UNDIP! JAYA!” – InaGo Team.

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