Food Technology Laboratory of FPP UNDIP Assisted Goat and Sheep Breeders in Processing Animal Husbandry Waste into Organic Fertilizer

Semarang – Central Java (2/12/2022). Organic fertilizers are fertilizers composed of living things, such as weathering of plant, animal and human organic waste. Organic fertilizers can be in solid or liquid form which are used to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. The decline in land quality as a result of the excessive application of Inorganic Farming Systems has made us reconsider implementing a healthy and sustainable Agricultural System.

One of the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is community service. The synergy of livestock farmers and universities is needed to provide a touch of technology and modernization in the livestock sector. Counseling and mentoring activities for processing goat manure into organic fertilizer were carried out at the house of Mr. Ari (Riche Ariyanto), chairman of the Livestock Farmers Group in Plumbon Village, Bae District, Kudus Regency, Thursday December 1, 2022.

This training activity is carried out with the application of appropriate technology for the community, which is truly practical and efficient. Dr. Ir. Cahya Setya Utama, S.Pt, M.Si., IPM, as Lecturer from the Food Technology Laboratory of FPP UNDIP in his material stated that processing the waste would produce blessings. “So organic waste or livestock manure that used to smell unpleasant, after being processed then it will change into the smell of money,” explained Cahya. The livestock farmers were very enthusiastic in participating in the training to practice making solid organic fertilizers. Questions and answers about the technique of making organic fertilizer and its application made the training atmosphere more interesting and not boring. The activity carried out by the Food Technology Laboratory of FPP UNDIP Team in the Kudus Regency area was carried out in a series of accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is hoped that the increase in the income of goat and sheep breeders will become an example and increase the motivation to raise livestock for the people around Kudus Regency. Thus this activity is expected to end poverty that still exists in the community.

Riche Ariyanto (Pak Ari), as a goat and sheep breeder, admitted that the training activities carried out with FPP Undip gave a new passion for the community to better organize and develop their village. “We are fully committed and ready to work with FPP Undip to be able to create environmentally friendly livestock,” said Pak Ari enthusiastically.

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