Undip Ready to Add Two More Professor Candidates from FPP and FSM

Diponegoro University – Semarang. The Board of Professors of Diponegoro University held a scientific presentation for prospective Undip professors, Dr. Eng. Eko Hidayanto, S.Si., M.Si. from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and Agus Setiadi, S.Pt., M.Si., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences on Wednesday (1/3).

In his scientific presentation, Eko Hidayanto reviewed the “Application of Natural Rubber and Rubber-Silicon as Bolus Materials for Radiotherapy”. He explained that radiotherapy can be given by irradiating radiation beams, implanting implants into the body, and using drugs (radio-pharmaceuticals). This radiotherapy treatment focuses on certain parts of the body with the main aim to stop the growth and simultaneously kill the cancer cells. In radiotherapy, radiation beams in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles are used directly to target cancer or tumors. Giving radiation doses to the intended target must still minimize the effects of radiation on healthy tissue around the cancer.

“One of the efforts to overcome or increase the radiation dose on the surface of the skin is to use an ingredient known as a bolus. This bolus has material properties similar to those of body tissue placed on the skin surface during radiotherapy. The bolus also functions to stop the rate of penetration of the radiation beam so that it is focused on the cancerous tissue. Several materials for making boluses have been developed by researchers, such as paraffin, granules, elasto-gel pads, superflabs, thermoplastic sheets, dental wax, polypropylene, and rayon cloth,” he explained.

Meanwhile Agus Setiadi at the beginning of his presentation said that the welfare of farmers/breeders is still low, this is due to the still low scale of ownership/business, the use of technology is still low and there is no guarantee of a good price for the products they have. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right solution so that income or welfare increases.

“The income of breeders or farmers is still low due to the small number of business scales, the low application of technology and the guaranteed low selling price. Increasing the number of minimum business scales that can generate income, applying technology and increasing guaranteed product selling prices can increase the total income of breeders/farmers,” he said.

Talking about the Application of Business Scale and Price Guarantees to Improve the Welfare of Farmers/Breeders, he further said that agricultural contracts are one of the strategies to guarantee the selling price of agricultural products, the core company will provide production facilities, the plasma company will provide labor and the product will be repurchased through this company at the agreed contract price. (Lin – Public Relations)

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