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UNDIP Public Relations Won Bronze Winner in The 1st Indonesia GPR Awards (IGA) 2023 Event

Diponegoro University made another achievement in the field of public relations by winning the Bronze Winner at the 1st Indonesia GPR Awards (IGA) 2023 competition. The award ceremony was held at the Claro Makassar Hotel, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, on Friday, June 16, 2023.

The Indonesia GPR Awards (IGA) is a competition, appreciation, and experience-sharing event for government public relations practitioners within ministries, institutional leaders, BUMN corporate leaders, BUMN subsidiaries, BUMD, RSUP, and RSUD, as well as regional leaders throughout Indonesia regarding public relations practices within government organization in every region. The IGA 2023 judging took place in two stages, preliminary and presentation rounds. The jury decided that 61 entries passed the preliminary stage to continue in the presentation stage, which was held in a hybrid manner for two consecutive days on May 3-4, 2023.

As judges at the IGA 2023 are Asmono Wikan (Founder and CEO of Public Relations Indonesia Group); Emilia Bassar (CEO Center for Public Relations, Outreach, and Communication); Jojo Suharjo Nugroho (Chairman of the Association of Public Relations Companies/ (APPRI)); Maria Wongsonagoro (PR Consultant); and Janette Maria Pinariya (Vice Rector 1 of LSPR).

There are three categories to be competed for: Best Government Public Relations, Best Government Public Relations Institution, and Best Government Public Relations Program. Diponegoro University won the Bronze Winner Best Government Public Relations Institution sub-Category of State Universities.

For this achievement, Undip Vice Rector for Communication and Business, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol., Admin., Ph.D. very grateful for the award given. “Undip will always try to serve the community as well as possible, including providing information and communicating with the public,” said Prof. Budi.

“Undip will continue to develop a public relations model supported by interactive and responsive digital technology,” he concluded.

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