Postgraduate School


Pascsarjana Program Diponegoro University organized by the Minister of Education and Culture No. 67 486 / A2.1.2 / C / 1994 dated 7 November 1994.

Far BEFORE issuance of the Operating Licence Program Diponegoro University Pascarajana mentioned differences, IN 1974, Diponegoro University has held a Doctorate of Education to review the LMU Field Law and Medicine. In the execution Until WITH Singers Program of 1990 has resulted in More Than 20 orangutans doctorate. IN 1982 WITH collaborated University Universitas Indonesia held master’s program in the field of Legal Sciences. Singer Program IN 1983 then Stand Alone at Diponegoro University as a Master of Law program. Based on different considerations lay BETWEEN: Development Period student, was used in the development of the university and society Needs improvement hearts Term Human Resources Quality, then AT 1994 Diponegoro University graduate program forming one responsible Jump shown to the Rector. The graduate program is given to the review telecoms coordinate and manage activities of Graduate Education at the university and is responsible for development Against academic QUALITY

As a prayer One Education Provider Institutions Under Diponegoro University, to review different Answering Challenges And Market Needs, Emerging Pascaarjana Program BY rapid, Until the End of knowledge WITH 2012 Evolve Already Being 41 Program The Program covers 32 Master Study Program and 9 Doctoral Studies.

In the course of Diponegoro University Program Pascaarjana undergo transformations The Very basic Ie WITH the publication of the Decree of the Rector of the University rector of Diponegoro University Diponegoro No. 609 / SK / 2011 Date of November 11, 2011. ABOUT Management of the Administrative and Academic Programs Graduate Studies The nature monodisiplin, Appropriate Assessment dictum second mention of “Move Management Academic And some administration Program That is monodisiplin Yang Originally Under Graduate Program, Being under Management Faculty . Since January 1, 2013 Date of Graduate Programs Only 6 Managing the Program The Program covers 2 and 4 Doctoral Studies Master Program. Starting 2015 Managing Diponegoro University Graduate Program 5 Program which covers 1 and 4 Doctoral Studies Program Master Program, include:

  1. Doctoral Studies Program in Environmental Sciences
  2. Master of Epidemiology
  3. Master of Environmental Science
  4. Studies Program Information System Magiter
  5. Master of Energy



In the year of 2020 School of Postgraduate Studies – SPS Diponegoro University to be an excellent and internationally recognized Graduate School.



  1. Provide the high quality graduateeducation that have a high competitive advantage,internationally comparative and contribute to the development of science and technology.
  2. Conduct the high quality research and publications as well as ownership of Intellectual Property Rights as advancing the science, technology and the arts by promoting culture and local resources.
  3. Provide the high quality community service as an effort application and development of science and technology with a view to meet community need
  4. Develop the professionalism, capability, accountability, good, governance, and the independence of the organization of educational courses. on the academic, financial and infrastructure (related to the 4th mission)



  1. High the competitiveness human resource at the international level (related to the first Mission)
  2. Integrated higher education at all levels education (related to the 1st Mission)
  3. High the academic atmosphere through research activity (related to the 2nd mission)
  4. A lot of cooperation and collaboration with external parties nationally and / or internationally (related to the 1st , 2nd , 3th mission)
  5. Good governance of integrated services