UNDIP Introduces Study Programs and Information on New Student Admission to SMAN 2 Batang Students

UNDIP, Semarang (February 7) – Universitas Diponegoro conducted a Socialization and Promotion event for the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), the National Selection Based on Test (SNBT), and UNDIP’s Independent Exam at SMAN 2 Batang on Thursday, February 6, 2025. In addition to introducing UNDIP, the event primarily aimed to provide information regarding the university’s student admission pathways: SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Exam.

Dr. Ir. Aris Triwiyatno, S.T., M.T., IPU., ASEAN Eng., APEC Eng., Head of the Educational Information Technology Center at the Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (LP2MP) UNDIP, explained that SNBP is based solely on academic performance or a combination of academic achievements and other accomplishments determined by the university. The cost is covered by the government, with a minimum quota of 20%. SNBT, on the other hand, is based on UTBK test results or a combination of UTBK and other criteria set by the universities. The test is computer-based, and the cost is borne by the participants with government subsidies available, with a minimum quota of 30%. Meanwhile, the Independent Exam pathway can use UTBK scores and has a maximum quota of 50%.

“The requirements for SNBP applicants include being a final-year student in SMA, SMK, or MA in 2025 with outstanding academic achievements, possessing an NISN (National Student Identification Number) and being registered in the School and Student Database (PDSS), having report card grades recorded in the PDSS as per regulations, and meeting the academic and specific requirements set by each university,” Aris explained.

Additionally, Aris highlighted that students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds can apply for the Indonesian Smart Card (KIP) Scholarship to receive educational financial assistance. The KIP Scholarship is only applicable to programs under legal Kemdiktisaintek. Meanwhile, UNDIP’s Independent Admission pathway remains a prestigious alternative for students seeking entry through UNDIP’s selection process.

The socialization event was met with great enthusiasm, with students actively engaging in discussions and asking questions about various faculties, study programs, and admission pathways at UNDIP. (LW)

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