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Undip Promotes the Enrollment via SNMPTN and SBMPTN in Western Pantura Region

Diponegoro University have socialized theNational Selection for Public Universities in SMA Negeri 1 Pemalang, and SMA Negeri 1 Brebesof Education Department Branch XI and XII on Thursday (1/17). The chairperson of Undip’s LP2MP, Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc., Ph.D was present along with its staff which is attended with more than 200 Principals of public and private high schools, Teachers, and Education Personnel in the Regional Education Division of Region XII.

In the Branch Offices of Regional Education XI and XII Pemalang, Tegal, Pekalongan, and Brebes, the prospects of high school graduates in this area has indeed been proposed to enter or continue to Public Universities. It also allows graduates from SMK to both pursue their education to the higher level or to work according to their expertise.

In the presentation, the Chairperson of LP2MP Prof. Edy Rianto said that this year public universities admission was held by an institution called the LTMPT or Higher Education Entrance Test Institution which is a non-profit institution from Kemenristekdikti to organizes college entrance tests for prospective new students.

Prof. Edy also explained that in this year’s SBMPTN there was only one test method, namely a computer-based exam tests (UTBK) consisting two test materials, namely a scholastic material test and an academic competency test. Prof. Edy also ask thateach school have to fill the school base data or PDSS as soon as possible and will be waited until the deadline of January 24, 2019 so that the university is able verify the data.

“I personally think that a briefing for the students are necessary to avoid the possibilities of the students choosing the wrong study program” said Prof. Edy.

Prof. Edy added that the pattern of selection to enroll topublic school, especially Undip, will still be carried out through 3 channels, namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and Individual Exams. The capacity of SNMPTN is at least 20%, SBMPTN is 40%, and Independent Exams is 30% of the total capacity quota of each PTN study program.

The report of high school’s section chief, Nur Sahid, said that the socialization was expected to be able to push students to enroll to public universities and to make sure the teachers are able to absorb the information presented by Undip so that it can be delivered to the students to help them choose the suitable study program.


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