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Talk Show of Undip Alumni Network: Synergizing in Building the Nation Session 2

Semarang-Diponegoro University (Undip) held a virtual Talk Show of Alumni Network on Tuesday (08/06), at 07:30 PM via Zoom meeting application. After successfully held in session 1, taking the same theme, namely Synergizing in Building the Nation, the session 2 is held by Faculty of Humanities Undip, Undip Alumni Association, and Undip Ranking Office.

The talk show is attended by Undip Rector represented by Vice Rector III for Communication and Business, Dwi Cahyo Utomo, SE., MA., Ph.D.; Dean Faculty of Humanities Undip, Dr. Nurhayati, M. Hum.; Head of Undip Ranking Office, Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho, ST., M.Si, and Chair of Alumni Association of Faculty of Humanities Undip who also serves as Deputy Chair of Commission IX of People’s Representative Council of Indonesia (DPR RI), Agustina Wilujeng Pramesti, SS., MM. The Deputy Chief Editor of Berita Satu TV, Adi Prasetya and other alumni guests are also present.

The talk show opened with remarks from Undip Rector, represented by Vice Chancellor III for Communication and Business, Dwi Cahyo Utomo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., conveyed the importance of this event to gather and create synergy between alumni and Undip. There are many benefits of alumni contributions for the progress of Undip itself. “We want to build a synergy with the alumni to be stronger in order to build Undip in the future. The big name of Undip will not grow without its own alumni,” said Vice Chancellor III. Alumni are also expected to play an active role in building Undip. “Undip Alumni can play active roles in managing Undip in the future, either directly or indirectly,” he continued.

The Dean of Faculty of Humanities Undip, Dr. Nurhayati, M.Hum., explained the importance of communication and collaboration between alumni for the performance and achievements of Faculty of Humanities Undip. The achievements that have been achieved previously cannot be separated from the support of the alumni. Alumni’s support can be in the form of community service, so that it will be in accordance with the vision and mission of Faculty of Humanities Undip. “In line with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, our mission is to provide community service based on research results. From this mission, everything is research-based, because our vision is to become a research faculty,” said Dean of Faculty of Humanities Undip.

With Undip as a Legal Entity State University and a Research University, it faces challenges to become a World Class University, so there are several steps that Undip must go through. The Head of Undip Rating Office, Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho ST MSi, explained the milestones in the development of Undip’s achievements and some efforts that are still needed to improve the quality of Undip graduates. “We initiated this activity in order to improve the quality of these graduates. One of indicators for World Class University is Employer Reputation. So we’re after the achievement of Employer Reputation,” said Prof. Denny. Cooperation and roles of Alumni are needed for the progress of Undip. “The role of the Alumni is to increase the Employer Reputation indicator and then improve the quality of graduates. This is very important because this will be one of the mirrors of Undip in the future,” he continued.

General Chairperson of Alumni Association of Faculty of Humanities Undip, Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, S.S., M.M, added that alumni can participate in helping students’ needs, but communication and synergy between units are needed to make it happen. “We can connect the needs of students in campus to get some helps through the bureaucracy. Cooperation, synergy, and alumni network are very useful if there is room for communication and discussion, “said Agustina. “The space can be used from alumni to alumni, from alumni to students, from alumni to campus, and from alumni to the community,” she continued. Alumni can also play an active role as absorbers of new university graduates. “Alumni who are engaged in mass media can recruit and receive, as well as guide children to become apprentices to become photographers, journalists, or news contributors,” said Agustina.

Meanwhile, one of alumni of Faculty of Humanities Undip who also serves as Deputy Editor in Chief of BeritaSatu TV, Adi Prasetya, said that Undip alumni should prepare for digital civilization. “We encourage the lecturers to provide added value for younger students to be digitally literate, so that in the future they will not stutter in facing digital civilization,” said Adi Prasetya. Moreover, the experience of alumni is also useful for students to bring ideas of how the world of work is. “In the future we will prepare ourselves to come to campus, to share experiences of what is happening in the industrial world, so that our fellow students are more prepared,” he continued. The event closed with Q&A session of the participants. (Dhany-PR)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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