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DWP Undip Presented dr. Aisah Dahlan in a Webinar with theme “Building and Maintaining a Harmonious Family”

Most of us or maybe all humans in the world are looking for happiness. Everyone wants a happy and prosperous life. Many people interpret happiness as having abundant wealth, but there are also those who define happiness as happy life together with family. The temptation of the world is so great, people see happiness only as a worldly business. Of course, the values taught in this webinar are important and valuable for all of us in facing an increasingly challenging world. One of the sources of strength is family. This was conveyed by the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., in the Webinar held by Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) at Diponegoro University with the theme “Building and Maintaining a Harmonious Family” (13/1).

Meanwhile, the Chair of DWP Undip, Asih Yos Johan Utama S.H., CN., stated that this theme was important considering the increasingly complex challenges where busy careers due to economic needs also take up family time, especially for parents. DWP Undip aspires to make Indonesian families to be harmonious families that will produce tough and prosperous young generations who have a better quality of family life.

“This webinar is a series of events to commemorate the 93rd Mother’s Day and the peak of events will be held on January 14th 2022. On December 22nd 2021, which coincides with Mother’s Day, an international webinar will also be held. In addition, DWP Undip conducts community services for the victims of the Mount Semeru eruption,” she continued.

The resource person in the webinar is dr. Aisah Dahlan CHt, CM.NLP (Chairman of AIRI/Trainer), said that family is like a puzzle game, assembling pieces that are not the same side so that they complement each other and are arranged beautifully and strongly.

“Happiness is a state of mind and feeling characterized by sufficiency, gratitude, pleasure from sharing, serenity, comfort, or intense joy.”

Furthermore, dr. Aisah reviewed the anatomy of the male and female brain. The existence of the midbrain (corpus callosum), which controls cognitive and motor functions, also affects individual’s attitudes and abilities. Women can do multitask because their corpus callosum is thicker than men. For men, the corpus callosum is thinner so they can only concentrate on one job.

“The differences in traits between men and women based on the characteristics of corpus callosum also affect a person’s habits and ways of communicating. For example, women find it difficult to be honest, while men are more straightforward. When having problems, women tend to need to talk, while men choose to be silent. When women talk about their stories they just want to be listened to, while men expect solutions to problems from their listeners,” she said.

Life in pairs or households should refer to the correct vision and mission, so that the harmony will be created in family. One of ways to create a harmonious family is by understanding each other’s needs. (Lin – Public Relations)


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