Universitas Diponegoro

Aquaculture Business Day Exhibition by FPIK UNDIP

Semarang – Central Java (11/11). The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Undip held an Aquaculture Business Day exhibition which aimed to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in students. This activity was held on Friday, November 11, 2022 at the Auditorium building, FPIK Undip Semarang.

This activity was attended by Deputy Dean II of FPIK Undip, Head of Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, Secretary of Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Coordinator of Aquaculture Business Practicum, and invited guests.

Dr. Tita Elfitasari, S.Pi., M.Sc., as Head of Committee said that the purpose of holding this activity was to be the peak of the Aquaculture Practicum activities with direct experience in taking Aquaculture Innovation and Business course. The aim is to encourage the creation of innovations in aquaculture products and also to gain business experience. Through this activity students learn about branding starting from making logos, selecting products, taglines, and also marketing.

Aquaculture Business Day is an activity to introduce and market business products from Aquaculture students initiated by the Department of Aquaculture FPIK Undip. There are many products on display and marketed, from fish-based food to ornamental fish.

 Secretary of Aquatic Resources Management Study Program FPIK Undip, Dr. Diana Chilmawati, S.Pi., M.Si. expressed the hope that Aquaculture Business Day activities could provide benefits to students on an ongoing basis. It is hoped that from this event, students will not stop when the practicum is finished, but when they have graduated students can have a stable business so that they do not have to look for jobs and are able to open job opportunities for others. “Hopefully this event will be useful and can foster entrepreneurial spirit for students. In the future, it is hoped that this activity will continue and the products from aquaculture will continue to be improved, such as ornamental fish, natural and artificial feed,” said Dr. Diana.

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean II of FPIK Undip, Prof. Dr. Aristi Dian Purnama Fitri, S.Pi., M.Si., in her remarks expressed her support for the implementation of the Aquaculture Business Day activities. “This activity for the Aquaculture Innovation and Business course is a support for the University’s performance index. In pursuing entrepreneurial activities, students do not only do it in groups but also individually to have a business. The University and Faculty will support students who are interested in pursuing entrepreneurship. It is hoped that in the future the Aquaculture Business Day 2022 activities can be a continuous program which is not only carried out once a year.” said Prof. Aristi.

The Aquaculture Business Day activity was very lively with a total of 23 (twenty three) booths, namely 19 booths from the Aquaculture Innovation and Business course, 1 booth from Alumni, 1 Aquaculture Student booth, 1 Kitchen Factory booth, and 1 Fishery Products Business Unit booth (UUHP). (Tiara, As ed. Utami)

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