Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Postgraduate School Ready to Hold International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System (ICENIS)

Semarang, 2 June 2023 – The International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System (ICENIS) was held for the first time in 2016. It was successful, making ICENIS an annual activity for the Diponegoro University Postgraduate School. This year the 8th ICENIS will be held August 8 – 9, 2023, at Hotel Santika, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, with the theme “Empowering Information Systems in the Fields of Energy, Health, and Environment to Face Society 5.0” and provides four selected topics, namely Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, Information Systems. The 8th ICENIS presented speakers with international reputations from well-known universities in Colombia, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Japan, and Indonesia.

Articles accepted at the 1st to 7th ICENIS have been published in Advanced Science Letters Vol 23 (2017), E3S Web of Conferences Vol 31 (2018), E3S Web of Conferences Vol 73 (2018), E3S Web of Conferences Vol 125 (2019), E3S Web of Conferences Vol 202 (2020), E3S Web of Conference (Scopus Index, SJR 0.17) and AIP Conference Proceedings (SCOPUS Index, SJR 0.18), and E3S Web of Conference Vol 359 (2022).

At the 8th ICENIS, all accepted papers will be published in the Scopus-indexed E3S Web of Conference proceedings at no additional cost.

Submission and Registration please click https://icenis.undip.ac.id/submission-and-registration/for-presenters-local-and-international/

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