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UKM READY UNDIP Held Tabligh Akbar Themed Hum of Missing the Prophet Bringing Civilization with Ukhrowi Morals

To increase faith in Allah SWT and love for Prophet Muhammad SAW, UKM Rebana Diponegoro University (UKM READY) held the 2023 UKM READY Tabligh Akbar on Friday (16/6) at the Diponegoro University campus mosque.

The 2023 UKM READY Tabligh Akbar is a great recitation activity and celebration of the prayer assembly commemorating UKM READY’s anniversary as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. The event raised a theme Hum of Missing the Prophet Bringing Civilization with Ukhrowi Morals.

The specific objectives of the activity are to spread sholawat within Undip as a form of love and longing for the Prophet Muhammad SAW., increase brotherhood between UKM READY members and the community around Undip, preserve and improve the quality of tambourine art, introduce UKM READY to the wider community, and commemorate 11th anniversary of UKM READY.

In his preaching, Habib Umar Muthohar (the Al Madinah Cepoko Islamic boarding school administrator from Gunung Pati, Semarang) said to apply akhlakul karimah in speech and action.

“What we can imitate from Kanjeng Nabi (Prophet Muhammad SAW) is his morals, while we cannot imitate the physical form or birth of the Prophet. The Prophet’s specialties such as when passing by something, there is no shadow because he is covered by light, the Prophet’s sweat smells good, and the Prophet is buried where he died, namely the room where he lived as a household with Siti Aisyah. There are parts of the Prophet’s past that we can and cannot imitate,” he said. (LW-Public Relations)

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