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Lusiana, Undip Graduate with Prestigious Achievements and Scholarships

Lusiana Gusprima Putri is an alumnus of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Diponegoro University. She is the Best Graduate from the International Relations Study Program at the 172nd Graduation Ceremony at Diponegoro University with a GPA of 3.86. During her studies, Lusiana became a lecturer assistant and research assistant for Dr. Dra. Rr. Hermini Susiatiningsih, M.Si. Apart from that, she was also active in the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the International Relations organization and is Head of the Research and Scientific Division of BEM FISIP for the 2019-2020 period.

Apart from being active in student organizations, she was also involved in participating in various national competitions, especially one of the research pillars, namely Debate. Lusiana won 2nd place and became the best speaker at the National Level Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI) in 2020. She also participated as an invited judge at the Regional and National KDMI in 2021, 2022 and 2023. She also won 3rd place and the best Asian Parliamentary Speaker in the USU Debate Games 2020. She has won many other championships in the Debate field. Apart from debating, she was also in the 100 best teams in the 2021 Shopee Ultimate Case Challenge.

“I got so many experiences and impressions at Diponegoro University. I met lecturers who provided not only a lot of knowledge but also valuable experience. According to her, the lecturers in the International Relations study program succeeded in making a special impression by establishing closeness with all students. So, learning feels more fun. Apart from providing comfort in academic learning, FISIP and Undip also provide an excellent impression and support in serving students’ non-academic activities, such as providing easy permission to take part in competitions, support from all lecturers, faculties and universities and providing very satisfying appreciation and awards in the form of material and publications on social media,” she said.

In her final year of study, Lusiana also gained experience by carrying out an independent internship at a journalism company called AkutahuCompany. Due to her efforts to be active in achieving and organizing, she also had the opportunity to be the recipient of a number of scholarships, including the SMART Scholarship awarded by Bank Rakyat Indonesia and the Student Achievement Scholarship from the FISIP Undip Alumni Association.

“Equipping yourself with academic skills is an obligation. However, it would be better if you could also spend their time balancing lecture activities with other positive activities, such as organizations, competitions, committees, service, research, independent campus activities and others. Many activities are free and even funded by campuses and government and private agencies that can be a source of sharpening soft skills that are really worth trying. “These soft skills are one of the supporting provisions which are not only useful when looking for work, but this type of activity also has an impact during college, such as rewards from campus, experience, and extensive relationships,” concluded Lusiana. (Sudanta – Public Relations)

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