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Beyond Boundaries! Christian Krishna Pideksa, the Outstanding Graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip, Achieved a Double Degree

Double Degree is one of the programs chosen by students of the International Undergraduate Program at Diponegoro University, which allows students to study in two study programs simultaneously.

In an academic journey full of challenges, Christian Krishna Pideksa, who is a student of the International Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, majoring in the Management Study Program, has achieved remarkable achievements. Through his dedication, Christian Krishna Pideksa successfully achieved the title of Outstanding Graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.89, obtained at his graduation during the Diponegoro University’s 173rd graduation ceremony this year.

In addition to graduating from the Management undergraduate study program at Diponegoro University, Christian Pideksa also successfully graduated from Curtin University with a B.Com degree. The double degree program, followed by Christian Krishna Pideksa, is a collaboration between Diponegoro University and Curtin University that allows students to combine two study programs simultaneously. In this program, Christian Krishna Pideksa gained learning experiences abroad, providing global insights and opportunities to interact with students from various cultural backgrounds.

“One of my memorable moments in my double degree program was how I interacted with the lecturer and exchanged our experiences about both Singapore and Indonesia. Besides that, meeting many friends from around the world also enriches my knowledge and experience,” said Pideksa.

Pideksa also revealed that his biggest challenge during the double degree program was the cultural differences between Singapore and Indonesia. Furthermore, the differences in the learning curriculum between Diponegoro University and Curtin University were also challenges for him.

Nevertheless, Pideksa strongly encourages other students of the International Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, who wish to pursue a double degree program like him.

“Just go for it because you never know what will happen in the future,” he said.

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