Universitas Diponegoro

Cindy Nurochmah (FIB Undip Graduate) Exceptional in Research, Public Speaking, and Debate

Education and organizations play a significant role for the young generation. “Through education and organizations, a sense of responsibility, discipline, and self-control can prosper to overcome many difficult situations,” said Cindy Nurochmah, an Undip graduate majoring in English Literature from the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) with a 3,79 GPA.

Cindy gained plenty of experience during her studies, such as time management and self-control. Meeting many friends from across Indonesia made her knowledgeable and respectful of differences. The experience in organizations, UKM, and the community transformed her into a brave person who was responsible and respected the opinions of others. It was reflected when she participated in an organization called KAMADIKSI Undip as the secretary in the research and science field.

Additionally, Cindy had actively participated in the Faculty of Humanities community, REPUBLICS (Research and Public Speaking), a place for FIB students to improve their research and public speaking talent. She was the head of the public speaking branch, which is proven by her achievements, including the 1st place winner of the Prodigious Speech Competition 2021, 3rd place winner of Kalimantan Open Debate 2021, and 2nd place winner of Debate Competition Politeknik Negeri Padang 2022,” stated Cindy, who completed her study for 4 years and 4 months.

Moreover, Cindy joined a research team with the students from the Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science (FPIK) and the Faculty of Engineering (FT), which produced an innovation that will benefit Indonesia’s fishery, especially the traditional fishermen. Her study brought her to achievement in the 2022 Indonesia Inventor’s Day (Silver Medal) (https://undip.ac.id/post/27088/7-mahasiswa-undip-raih-silver-medals-di-ajang-indonesia-inventors-day-2022.html) and the 2023 Thailand Inventor’s Day (Silver Medal) (https://undip.ac.id/post/28595/capture-project-undip-raih-medali-silver-thailand-inventors-day-2023.html).

“Never doubt to take the next step into greatness. Failure in the learning process is a necessary step towards success,” said Undip alumni who officially graduated on January 29th.

“Pay no attention to the people who said education is pointless because we know ourselves better than anyone, and as the young generation, we need education to conquer the world,” she responded.

Are you interested in enrolling in the Faculty of Humanities Undip? Visit https://fib.undip.ac.id/ (DHW-Public Relations)

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