Universitas Diponegoro

KPRI UNDIP Fulfilling the Needs of the Academic and General Community

The Employee Cooperative of the Republic of Indonesia at University Diponegoro (KPRI Undip) is a savings and loan, retail, and service business unit with a vision to become a trusted business organization with good governance and information technology based on the welfare of its members. The Annual Member Meeting (RAT) is held regularly every year. The Annual Member Meeting (RAT) for the Closing of the 2023 Book of Undip Cooperative was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at the Prof. Soedarto S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang, inviting representatives of active Undip Cooperative members from various faculties/offices/units at Undip and universities in Semarang.

The Chairman of KPRI Undip, Prof. Bulan Prabawani, S.Sos., M.M., Ph.D., mentioned in his address that almost all performance targets had been achieved. “There is a new facility service at Undip Cooperative, namely the Umrah service, which has received positive responses from the members. InsyaAllah, there will be Sharia-based services this year,” said Prof. Bulan.

The Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., officially opened the RAT for the Closing of the 2023 Book of KPRI Undip. “Alhamdulillah, the results are good. Let us improve performance, and hopefully, we can avoid usury. Let us cherish the cooperative we have built together by shopping at it and adhering to its regulations for common goals,” said the Undip Rector.

The RAT for the Closing of the 2023 Book of KPRI Undip began with the Reading and Ratification of Meeting Regulations and Election of Session Leaders, Handover of Elected Session Leaders for the 2023 RAT, Reading of the Plan and Strategy of KPRI Undip for the Period 2022-2027, and Reading of the RAT Decision for the Closing of the 2022 Book.

The Accountability Report of the KPRI Undip Management for the Closing of the 2023 Book was presented by the cooperative managers responsible for human resources and administration, capital and savings, retail, and services in the Elected Session for the 2023 RAT led by Dr. Agus Purwanto, S.E., M.Si., Akt. as the chairman and Dra. Agnes Esti, S., M.Si. as the secretary.

The session was followed by the Financial Report of KPRI Undip for the Closing of the 2023 Book, the Supervisor’s Report of KPRI Undip for the Closing of the 2023 Book, Ratification of the Accountability Report of the KPRI Undip Management and Supervisors for the Closing of the 2023 Book, Reading of the Work Plan and Budget Plan for 2024, Ratification of the Work Plan and Budget Plan for 2024, and Revision and Ratification of the Articles of Association of KPRI Undip.

A drawing of sponsored prizes and general prizes was also prepared for KPRI Undip members.

At this event, it was also informed that KPRI Undip offers various business and service fields such as motorcycle financing; Umrah financing; postal agency serving electricity, tap water, telephone, internet payments, and package delivery; partner bank agencies, optics; and car rentals.

KPRI Undip’s flagship programs in the retail business sector include the Online Shopping program and “KPRI Menyapa,” which serves online shopping for members between faculties/units at Undip.

The variety of services at KPRI Undip is expected to enhance the welfare of its members, and KPRI Undip is capable of further growth to benefit the broader community. For a complete profile of KPRI Undip, please visit the following link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2jGJDiRKXf/?igshid=YjQ2eHdlNnZuM3Bo. (Titis-Public Relations)

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