Universitas Diponegoro

The Residents of The Tonjong Village, Grobogan, Received Post-Flood Free Medical Treatment From LPPM Undip

On Sunday (25/2), 277 residents of the Tonjong Village, Deras Ward, Kedungjati District, Grobogan Regency, received free medical treatment from the Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Diponegoro University. The village secretary, Hasan Azhari, expressed his appreciation and gratitude.

Deras is a remote village surrounded by rivers and forests, making it considerably far from health services, especially the public health center. The public health center has an estimated distance of ±7 km and is approximately 10 km from the hospital. Thus, this LPPM Undip program is a necessity for the residents. The residents who wanted to check on their health welcomed the program enthusiastically, and they also consulted with a doctor and would come early to receive free medical treatment.

In his remarks, Dr. Hadi Salim, Sp.B, the chief of the free medical treatment program from LPPM Undip, stated that Undip has a Tri Dharma of Higher Education vision that includes Education, Research, and Community Service. “What we accomplish here is community service, examining health conditions, and handing out the required medications. There is a probability that not all illnesses can be mended. I hope that the residents here have health cards, whatever they are. Whether it is BPJS, KIS, or many others, the most important thing is that they have them. If they have not had it yet, they can ask or register so everyone can have a health card. If they got a sickness requiring treatment, it would be much easier to be referred to the hospital,” uttered Hadi. He also expressed his gratitude to the village officials who had facilitated the program so that the volunteer team could execute their medical treatment task.

At the end of the program, Dr. dr. Sri Winarni, M. Kes., the Community Service Volunteering team (RPM) LPPM Undip coordinator, stated, “The purpose of this LPPM program is first as a form of community service and to provide post-flood aid. Coincidentally, the Deras Village was badly affected by the flood some time ago. Hence, our objective is post-flooding medical treatments and not neglecting the possibility of diseases suffered by the degenerative community, and many of them suffer from hypertension, dyslipidemia, coughs, colds, skin diseases, and others.”

“The treatments went well, structured, and organized. It is proved that we expected to treat 250 residents, and Alhamdulillah, we treated 277 patients,” she added.

The ambition is that this program can be implemented not only at the Deras Village but also at many other villages, “InsyaaAllah, the next schedule will be next Sunday, the team will be discharged in the Wonorejo Village, Karanganyar District, Demak Regency,” said Winarni. (DHW-Public Relations)

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