Universitas Diponegoro

PSPPI at the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP Prepares New Curriculum

The Study Program of the Professional Engineer Program (Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur / PSPPI) at the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University (FT UNDIP) held a Curriculum Workshop on Friday, May 17, 2024. The event, attended by academics and engineering practitioners from various regions in Indonesia, was conducted in a hybrid format at the Senate Meeting Room, Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc Building, 3rd Floor.

This Curriculum Workshop is an effort by PSPPI FT UNDIP to prepare a new curriculum for the Professional Engineer Program for the Even Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year. As one of the professional engineering programs in Indonesia, PSPPI FT UNDIP must adjust its curriculum to keep up with current developments. The curriculum development aims to attract more prospective students to enroll through the regular pathway, which will be opened this year.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T., IPU., stated that the Faculty of Engineering must immediately find ways to prepare a Regular program for PSPPI FT UNDIP. According to him, one way to do this is through direct intervention in the form of workshops.

“This workshop event will include discussions on how to address the Regular program, which I believe needs our intervention to succeed soon,” he said.

The workshop is divided into two parts. The first part features perspectives and ideas shared by Indonesian engineering academics regarding the development of the professional engineering program curriculum. In this section, several notable figures participated, such as Ir. Habibie Razak, M.M, IPU, ASEAN Eng, ACPE, APEC Eng who serves as the Executive Director of the Indonesian Engineers Association (Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia / PII), and Ir. Subagyo, Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng. from the Communication Forum for the Implementation of the Professional Engineer Program (Forum Komunikasi Penyelenggaran Program Profesi Insinyur / PPPI).

The second part is filled with engineering practitioners who explain more about engineers’ role in national development. Invited practitioners include the Head of BBWS Cimanuk Cisanggarung, Dwi Agus Kuncoro, S.T., M.M., M.T., and Mochamad Soleh, S.T., M.T., IPM from PT PLN.

Prof. Jamari hopes that this Curriculum Workshop can help PSPPI FT UNDIP in resolving the curriculum issues. “Hopefully, through this Curriculum Workshop, we can find solutions,” said Prof. Jamari.

Source: Faculty of Engineering UNDIP’s website

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