Universitas Diponegoro

UNDIP Vocational School Explores Collaboration with LP UMKM Central Java and PT. Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam Builds Biodiesel Factory

The UNDIP Vocational School received a visit from the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (Lembaga Pengembang Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah / LP UMKM) Central Java and PT. Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam in the Meeting Room of the UNDIP Vocational School Building (Monday, 8/7) to discuss the feasibility of establishing a Biodiesel Factory. During this visit, discussions also covered the work plan of LP UMKM Central Java to market cooking oil and convert used cooking oil into biodiesel from MSMEs across Central Java through a digitalization system.

The Head of LP UMKM Central Java, Khafid Sirotudin, presented the program feasibility. At the same time, Heru Hussodo, the director of PT Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam, explained the plans for establishing the biodiesel factory. Following that, the UNDIP Vocational School team presented Bioavtur and biodiesel products.

This event was attended by Mohamad Endy Julianto, S.T., M.T., as the Head of the Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKI) and the Bioavtur Research Team, including Anggun Puspitarini Siswanto, S.T., Ph.D.; Dr. Ria Desiriani, S.T., M.T., along with TRKI students in the MBKM program: Abraham Mario Natari, Ade Kurnianto, and Fatimah Hapsari.

Endy mentioned that the Biodiesel Miniplant at the UNDIP Vocational School has a capacity of 1000 liters/day using raw materials such as used cooking oil, animal fat, and various vegetable oils. “Even with PT. BGR & CV. RBS, we have conducted a B50 trial on PT. BGR’s fleet over a distance of 15,000 kilometers, which resulted in a more powerful diesel engine performance, quieter engine noise, and cleaner fuel combustion,” said Endy.

Khafid Sirotudin explained that this feasibility study aims to promote the cooking oil business and the establishment of biodiesel factories in Central Java. The meeting also discussed the master plan related to the planning of the biodiesel factory, and UNDIP Vocational School presented material on bioavtur derived from cooking oil.

Furthermore, Heru Hussodo from PT Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam expressed a desire to collaborate with UNDIP to establish the biodiesel factory immediately. “The energy we produce will always be there because it is green energy, so we need to collaborate with UNDIP, which has experience in research and production of biodiesel and boater,” said Heru.

Endy stated that he is ready to collaborate with PT Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam and LP UMKM Central Java. “We believe that Biodiesel and Bioavtur can be used as alternatives to current energy sources, so we need a stable industry to support the existing green energy,” he emphasized. Endy also mentioned that the team from the UNDIP Vocational School is competent and experienced in the production of biodiesel miniplant.

“Collaboration among the nation’s young generation is essential for advancing the country, so the synergy with various parties is needed, specifically the cooperation between LP UMKM Central Java, PT Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam, and the UNDIP Vocational School for managing cooking oil and producing biodiesel from used cooking oil,” explained Khafid.

“We want sustainability from the existing energy, so an in-depth study by the UNDIP Vocational School and PT Kaltim Bumi Energi Etam is needed in the establishment of the biodiesel factory. This synergy in establishing the biodiesel factory is a form of economic jihad by Muhammadiyah,” concluded Khafid. (Endy-Vocational School & DHW-Public Relations)

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