Undip Students Process Durian Seed Waste into Chips
The durian fruit is famous for its intense aroma, unique taste, and relatively large size.
The durian fruit is famous for its intense aroma, unique taste, and relatively large size.
The Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University (FK Undip) collaborated with the Alumni Association of
The Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Diponegoro University continuously held a free
Mohamad Endy Yulianto, a lecturer in Undip Vocational Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology (TRKI) Lecturer, once
The innovation and creativity of the academic community will bring Indonesia towards a developed country
Innovative Products of Diponegoro University (Undip) named Indonesian Bionic Assistance Hand received appreciation from the
Dr. Diana Puspita Sari, S.T., M.T., a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University,
The Community Service Program (KKN) Students Team I of Diponegoro University 2023/2024 showcased the result
During the Exhibition of Works held on Monday, February 19, 2024, the Community Service Program
Dr. Intan Muning Harjanti, S.T., M.T., a lecturer at the Department of Urban and Regional
The Rector of Diponegoro University (Undip), Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., along with
Rembang- A significant moment in shaping the future of Rembang durian was realized in a sarasehan (discussion)