Undip Provides Assistance to 1712 Students in the Undip Care Movement

Semarang (3/7) – The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic made conditions in the community difficult, and this also affected students who were also affected by the pandemic. To continue to guarantee the welfare of students in this difficult time, Undip distributed assistance to 1712 students affected by the pandemic who had been selected and considered eligible to receive assistance. The Undip Care Movement (GUP) assistance was provided in the form of cash assistance, and symbolically handed over to representatives of student recipients of assistance along with the inauguration ceremony of Undip Sikatak Bridge this morning. The inauguration ceremony of the Sikatak Bridge and the handover of the Undip Care Concern Movement (GUP) for students affected by the Covid-19 pandemic was conducted by Prof. Yos Johan Utama as Undip Rector.

In his remarks, Prof. Yos said that Undip did not forget its role as a university that protects and nurtures challenged people. He hopes that this assistance can be useful and well targeted to be accepted by students who really need them. “Alhamdulillah, my fellow lecturers and education staff work hand in hand to help students with deductions from their incentives,” said Prof. Yos.

Distribution of assistance like this is very helpful for students affected by pandemic as it helps to be able to meet their daily needs. One of the recipient students, Bimo, said that the Undip Care Movement has been very useful for students affected by Covid-19 like him. This 2018 student hopes that Undip can further facilitate the community with programs like this.

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